Rapeseed Variety Trials, 1982 PROGRESS REPORT NO. 116 NOVEMBER 1982 1 ' ~ B 4 F Pedersen, M. \\ \lii.n and Jnhn W. O)domiEE nY11F) OFr RAN, \ ARIFTlil Atr Pt AN) 31)tN( IM L i I TASI!T, ALABAMA, 'NI 1N!1! 1981-82 T 111 F Ntl II A 01 R AP F VA RI I TIS entered Ii th ti 981- 1981 iel ti iV i greatli Increas~ed ciimpaired toi preiou iiNcars (Sete Rd/hi -/ in /1/lbflna, Alabama Agi. Ixp, Sta. Bull.i NON. 981 1A replicated yield experimenit xx as ciindiucted at tihe Auburn ['nix erxit\ Pima Breeding) tilir, lallaixteCL Al ~bAiina 1 IA plitS Xxti-c a x 15 fetet, planted Ii roAx s paced 12inclhes apart (iii Octnbet 1I1, 198. Nitrrogen %as applied fii October and Miarchliat at pounds N per ai c tin- each application. LDimletl9latel (CygOIIA) AXS I pplied alt bloom fori aphid enntiil. Reini~tS Ot thiS text, incluLdinig 11iii~ xII tex, art presented inl the accomnpanyiiig table. lntn matiiin tbIC the enLli cie aid ciintent tin soime ot these varileties cati be foitund ill itie plCIexII iiuuxl1 trioined bnlliet in ()bscrvatioinml nlUt eries consisting if single ;-foout rouxi x xxrc establisdi it t he Clt ( iAxt SUbstatin, I air-hnpe. Alabamat the Plt% ixle I xpertment ietld Pratti ue. Alabama an, d thfe I eliiexceu Vaile Suibstat ion, Belle Niria. Alabama. Sex ere NN Inter damage xx ax noited Ili most ,,arictics at the Prattx lie and 1Ttennetse \ allley lCiwa ins Thliis probably AaxsdII(_ to the exceptioinall culd 'A iter(enclilin- teted ill early 1982. Assistanit t'riutessnr, Research Assoiciate, and Assistant Professiir, D~epartmnt i i Agronomuti and Soils, respect itey * %1 1ii, xx Itii 1 ciluItItIMI tuliuivtd hi tile *,.ime differenti mi fie( a erie ii le el letter are not signifiiiitli %*1 ALABAMA AGR ICU LTU RAL EXPER I MENT STAT11 N GALE A. BUCHANAN, DIRECTOR AUBURN UNIVERSITY AUBURN UNIVERSITY, ALABAMA Ho. rkuLe Iz i s k i Iit Next I )N i r f d t c ,Ixx rt i x Ni)lb 'IN cI let \\ 'N 88')i A n tI ' clgl Setcd 1cr icre ab 'it) '0 ala 10i abc 1,9-0 tbc %- biih I ) c I9 hc xI' Lc lit a et I, (ac I i gt fg 0i Ii 0 If Ilinte iij iii i ne NILI% 18 NI ix0 litl 8 ih I' \Ii IS