Parental Source This is the data for all the females used in the Reaction Norm experiment breeding colony. This experiment was conducted by the Warner lab over the summer of 2020. Below is the explanation of all the data columns in the parental source data sheet. Observation A number given at the time of processing. This is not a measurement but rather a number used to track the total lizards processed. Toeclip Toeclip patten used as a form of identification. Island Code This is a code to identify the island where the lizards were caught CB1 = crescent beech 1 PH = Phil’s Island Island This is the habitat type of the island Open = very little structure Shade = mostly covered in trees Sex The biological sex of the lizard M = male F= female Cage The cage number the lizards were assigned to in the breeding colony. Mass Mass of the lizard to the nearest 0.00 gram SVL The snout vent length of the lizard. That is the distance from the tip of the nose to the bottom of the cloaca in the nearest millimeter. Comments Addition information about the lizards Page The page number on the hard copy data sheet