Sprint Speed This is the data for all the sprint speed trials conducted on the hatchlings that were the offspring of the breeding colony. This experiment was conducted by the Warner lab over the summer of 2020. Hatchling were placed in a 1-meter track with photo sensors every 15 centimeters meter. Each lizard did this trial a minimum of three times. If a lizard failed a trial, it was given up to 3 extra attempts. Below is the explanation of all the data columns in the parental source data sheet. Observation A number given at the time of processing. This is not a measurement but rather a number used to track the total lizards processed. Egg ID This is the id number given to each egg and subsequently to each hatchling. Date Date of the sprint speed trial. Trail The numerical order of the trial (i.e. was the 1st 2nd or third run by the lizard) Gate 1/Gate 2/Gate 3 /Gate 4 These where the times recorded by the photo sensors on the track. Stops Number of stops the lizard made during the trial Temp Temperature of the room at the time of the trial. Fails Number of times a lizard failed a trial SVL Snout vent length at the time of the trial. This is the distance form the tip of the nose to the bottom of the cloaca measured to the nearest millimeter. Initials Initials of the person who conducted the sprint speed trial. Comments Addition information about the lizards Page The page number on the hard copy data sheet Data entry Name of the person who entered the data Speed1 Time between gate one and two Speed 2 Time between gate two and three Speed 3 Time between gate three and 4 Maxspeed Best time during the trial.