~s ' '4 '4. ; 7 ~ '2 Nt, c iauttiwll I t ,) ) NO& I ItE7 6zi12 fdustry in Souatic~sasi .FAfI{ ItA <17t'2kn Ii 4 4 I 2 Ui'~ciit 1 \lab tina 2 "+ , H ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The existence and success of the vegetable variety trial program conducted at Auburn University is initially due to the commitment of the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station (AAES) administration. The authors wish to thank the superintendents and the farm crews of the AAES substations for their commitment, day-to-day support, and dedication to this program over the past four years. The active support of the seed industry should also be mentioned. Appreciation is extended to Karen Dane and Joanna Corley (both from the Department of Horticulture) for their assistance in compiling the variety information presented in this publication. First Printing 3M, December 1997 Information contained herein is available to all persons regardless of race, color, sex, or national origin. CONTENTS Page 2 Acknowledgments .. .................................... 5 Introduction .. ............. ............................ Variety Evaluation Results ........................................... 7 7 Brassicaceae Family ........................................... ..... .................. 7 Broccoli ................... .............. 8 Cabbage, Head ..... ..................................... Cabbage, Chinese ............................................................ 9 .................... 10 Compositae Family ............................. .............. 10 Lettuce ................................. Convolvulaceae Family .......................................... 11 11 Sweetpotato .. .................................... Cucurbitaceae Family .................................................................. 12 Cucum ber, Slicer ............................................................. 12 13 Pumpkin ..... ..................................................................... Small Melons (Cantaloupe, Honey Dew) ........................ 15 Squash, Yellow Summer and Zucchini ............................ 17 ... .................. 19 Squash, Winter... ................................... 20 Watermelon .. ...................................... 22 Gramineae Family ...................................... 22 Sweet Corn ..................... .................................. Ornam ental Corn ............................................................. 24 Solanaceae Family ................................................ 25 Eggplant ..................... ................................................. 25 26 Pepper, B ell ........................................................................ 28 Pepper, H ot ....................................................................... 29 Tom ato ................................................................................ Appendix 1. Selected Seed Sources ............................................ 31 Appendix 2. Index of Vegetable Varieties ..................................... 32 Okra ................................... 52 Bean ............................... 32 Pepper ......................... .... 52 .. Broccoli ...................... 33 Pumpkin ............................. 57 Cabbage ......................... 34 Southernpea ....................... 59 Cauliflower .................... 37 Tomato ........................... .... 60 Corn ............................... 38 Watermelon ........................ 65 Cucumber ...................... 42 Winter Squash .................... 67 Eggplant ........................ 44 Yellow Summer ................. 68 Leafy Greens ................. 45 Zucchini Squash................. 69 Muskmelon .................... 49 ................................................... 70 R eferences ..................... VARIETIES FOR THE ALABAMA VEGETABLE INDUSTRY AND THE SOUTHEAST Auburn University Department of Horticulture Vegetable Variety Trial Program 1994-1996 Eric Simonne, Joseph Kemble, and Bobby Boozer* INTRODUCTION Successful vegetable production begins with the choice of a "good" variety. Although this choice is mainly made by producers and sometimes by processors, the choice of a variety affects the entire production of that vegetable, from seeding in the field to retail sale. Hence, this publication is intended for a broad audience with interest in relative performance of vegetable varieties under Alabama's growing conditions. It endeavors primarily to provide commercial vegetable growers with information on horticultural characteristics and yield potential of selected varieties. In addition, county Extension personnel as well as Extension specialists should find this information relevant and useful. This information also provides feed back to the seed companies that have been providing plant material, as well as to the seed retailers. Finally, this variety information also should be of interest to gardeners throughout the state. Moreover, because the growing conditions found in Alabama include (from South to North) the Gulf Coast area, the Lower and Upper Coastal Plain, the Piedmont and Appalachian Plateaux, and the Tennessee Valley, this publication has a range of geographical relevance beyond the boundaries of Alabama. The first objective of this publication is to summarize three years of vegetable variety trials. Because it is not considered a good practice to *Simonne and Kemble are Assistant Professorsand Boozer is Area Horticulturist in the Departmentof Horticulture. 6 Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station plant crops in the same field consecutively with related vegetables, crops are grouped by botanical families to help select crop sequence for rotation. For each vegetable crop, horticultural characteristics from seed catalogues and from field observation are presented. Each variety has been rated on a 0 to 4 star scale (Table 1). Because several attributes are important in selecting a vegetable variety, the rating combines the yield potential, the claimed diseases resistance/tolerance, the horticultural type, as well as other relevant observations. This rating was developed under set circumstances, and variety performance may vary under different growing conditions. Therefore, it is always advised to pre-select a variety for commercial production by planting a small acreage of a limited number of potentially adapted varieties. Buyers should also be familiar with the selected variety. Some known seed sources also are listed (Appendix 1), but listed varieties may also be available from other sources. Detailed information on cultural practices and grading guides can be found in previous variety trial reports (see references). The second objective of this publication is to offer a long (but not exhaustive) list of most commonly grown and available vegetable varieties to be used as a reference list. For each crop, variety name, type, and seed source are included, as well as the ratings of the varieties evaluated in Alabama (Appendix 2). For practical reasons, it was not possible to provide complete type and disease information for all the varieties listed. New varieties are continuously developed. Hence, variety evaluation is a continuous process. This information will be updated as needed. 1. TABLE RATING OF VEGETABLE VARIETIES FOR COMMERCIAL PRODUCTION IN ALABAMA (EVALUATED 1994-1996) Rating ****Superior ** * o Description variety Outstanding variety Good performing variety Adapted variety Not suited for commercial production Not evaluated Varieties for the Alabama Vegetable Industry and the Southeast 7 VARIETY EVALUATION RESULTS BRASSICACEA FAMILY BROCCOLI, CHINESE CABBAGE, AND HEAD CABBAGE Broccoli - Brassica oleracea L. Italica group Harvestable plant part: immature inflorescence Observed days to maturity: 52 to 69 days (fall production, from transplant) Main production challenges in Alabama: early flowering (bolting) Ready for harvest: by inflorescence size and/or days after transplanting Typical harvest schedule: once-over harvest TABLE 2. SEED SOURCE, EARLINESS, AND DISEASE CLAIMS OF SELECTED BROCCOLI VARIETIES Rating * * Variety Arcadia Barbados Type Fl F1 Seed source Sakata Days to harvest 95 Disease res./tol. DM -- Years eval. 95,96 95,96 Times eval. 4 4 Times in top 5 0% 0% Ferry Morse 62 * * * * ** ** Citation Claudia Eureka Everest Galeon Gallant Fl F1 Fl Fl Fl Fl Harris Seeds 65 Ferry-Morse 70 87 Stokes Sandoz Rogers Petoseed Sakata DM DM BR,DM 94 95 94-96 94 96 96 5 1 9 3 2 2 20% 0% 11% 33% 100% 50% * *** ** Greenbelt Green Fl Fl Fl Sandoz Rogers Takii Takii 75 75 66 ---- 94-96 94-96 94-96 7 10 9 0% 70% 44% Comet Landmark ** *** *** **** ** Legend Mariner Olympus Packman Paragon F1 F1 Fl F1 F1 Sakata Petoseed Takii Petoseed/ 85 77 78 75 DM BLS,DM --- 96 94-96 94-96 94-96 94-96 4 10 9 10 8 50% 60% 55% 80% 25% Stokes Stokes * *** *** Pinnacle Premium Crop Regal Ritol Signal Title IST Fl F1 68 Takii Takii/Stokes 58 Petoseed DM DM 94-96 94-96 94-96 7 8 9 29% 62% 89% PSX 10990 Fl * * F1 F1 Fl F1 Ferry-Morse 80 . Nunhems Sandoz Rogers57 . Takii -. 95 95 95 95 1 1 1 1 100% 0% 100% 0% * * -. Type.: F = hybrid Disease.: DM = downy mildew; BR = black rot; BLS = bacterialleaf spot S= not available; -- = none;from seed catalogues Ratings: = not evaluated, o = not suited, * = adapted, ** = good, *** = outstanding, and **** = superior 8 Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station Head Cabbage - Brassica oleracea L. Capitata group Harvestable plant part: head (compact rosette of leaves) Observed days to maturity: 68 to 84 days (fall production, from transplant) Main production challenges in Alabama: black rot Ready for harvest: by head size Typical harvest schedule: once-over harvest TABLE 3. SEED SOURCE, EARLINESS, AND DISEASE RESISTANCE/TOLERANCE OF SELECTED HEAD CABBAGE VARIETIES Rating *** * ** *** * ** *** Variety Blue Gem Blue Pak Blue Thunder Bravo Cardinal CB-7 Cheers Constanza Type F1 Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl F1 *** * Head color G G G G R G G G G Seed Days to source harvest Harris Seeds 70 Ferry-Morse 80 Harris Seeds 80 Harris Seeds 85 Harris Seeds 80 Sandoz Rogers Takii 75 Petoseed 87 Stokes 65 Disease res./tol. FY,BR FY FY,BR FY,BR FY BR,FY BR,FW, TB -- Years Times eval. eval. 94, 96 4 95 1 96 1 6 94, 96 94 2 4 94-96 7 94-96 94,95 6 96 95,96 95 96 96 9 95,96 94-96 96 95 94,95 94 96 95 94 94 94 94-96 94,95 94 95,96 94-96 Times in top 5 75% 0% 100% 50% 0% 75% 71% 83% 0% 0% 0% 100% 100% 0% 0% 33% 100% 0% 67% 25% 0% 0% 67% 50% 0% 50% 0% 0% 0% 0% Early Marvel OP * * ** ** * * * ** Emblem FMX 388 FMX 551 FMX 552 FMX 553 Fortress Green Cup Green Start Fl Fl F1 Fl Fl Fl Fl F1 G G G G G G G G Sakata Ferry-Morse Ferry-Morse Ferry-Morse Ferry-Morse Ferry-Morse Takii Stokes 69 73 55 BR,FY BR,FY -- * ** * * * ** * * ** Hercules Izalco Multikeeper Pacifica PS 4390 PS 63880 PSR 18589 PSR 152999 Quick Start Rio Verde Rougette Royal Vantage Survivor Tristar Wanda XPH 5781 XPH 5785 Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl F1 Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl G G G G G G G G G G R G G G G G G Sandoz Rogers 91 Sandoz Rogers 87 Stokes Sakata Petoseed Petoseed Petoseed Petoseed Takii Sandoz Rogers Vilmorin Sakata Stokes SeedWay Nunhems Asgrow Asgrow 85 63 . BR BLS,BR, FY BR,FY FY,BR,TB 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 0 3 4 1 1 3 2 1 4 3 4 2 3 ** * . 87 88 85 65 . . . BLS,FY BLS,BR, FY, TB BR,FY BR,TH,FY * * * ** * * 96 94-96 94 94 1 4 2 4 100% 75% 100% 50% Type: OP = open pollinated;Fl = hybrid Head color: G = green, R = red Disease: FY = fusariumyellows; BR = black rot; FW =fusarium wilt; TB = tip burn; BLS = bacterialleaf spot; TH = thrip;. - not available; -- = none;from seed catalogues Ratings: = not evaluated, o = not suited, * = adapted, ** = good, *** = outstanding, and **** = superior Varieties for the Alabama Vegetable Industry and the Southeast 9 Chinese Cabbage Brassica rapa L. Chinensis (pak-choi) and Pekinensis (Pe-tsai) groups Harvestable plant part: head (compact rosette of leaves) Observed days to maturity: 55 to 62 days (fall production, from transplant) Main production challenge in Alabama: black rot Ready for harvest: by head size Typical harvest schedule: once-over harvest TABLE 4. SEED SOURCE, EARLINESS, AND DISEASE RESISTANCE/TOLERANCE OF SELECTED ORIENTAL CABBAGE VARIETIES Rating *** ** *** *** ** *** *** Variety China Flash Jade Pagoda Kasumi Monument Orange Type Fl F1 Fl Fl Fl OP F1 Head Seed shape source Napa Sakata Michihli Harris Seeds Napa Stokes Michihli Stokes Napa Stokes Pak-choi Sandoz Days to harvest 58 68 64 80 80 47 75 Disease res./tol. TB BR -----. Years eval. 95,96 94 94-96 94,95 94 95,96 95,96 Times Times in eval. top 5 2 50% 3 100% 7 4 4 2 2 100% 75% 100% 0% 100% Queen Pak Choi- Lei Choi Shinki Napa Rogers Takii * *** *** Shori 60 Summertime II Yuki Fl F1 Fl Napa Napa Napa Nunhems Stokes Sakata 60 67 67 ALS, DM,WS CR 95 94-96 95,96 1 4 2 100% 100% 100% Type: OP = open pollinated; Fl = hybrid Disease: FY =fusarium yellows; BR = black rot; TB = tip burn; ALS = alternarialeaf spot; DM = downy mildew; WS = white spot; CR = clubroot S= not available; -- = none, from seed catalogues Ratings: = not evaluated, o = not suited, * = adapted,** = good, *** = outstanding, and **** = superior 10 Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station 10 AlabaaArclua Eprmn tto COMPOSITAE FAMILY - LETTUCE Lettuce - Lactuca sativa L. Harvestable plant part: head (rosette of leaves) Observed days to maturity: 45 to 65 days (spring or fall production, from transplant) Main production challenges in Alabama: tip bum, bitterness, bolting Ready for harvest: by head size Typical harvest schedule: once-over harvest TABLE 5. SEED SOURCE, EARLINESS, AND DISEASE CLAIMS OF SELECTED LETTUCE VARIETIES Rating Variety Aquarius Augustus Big Curly Brunia Bullseye Type OP OP OP OP OP OP OP OP OP OP OP OP OP *** o ** * ** * ** ** ** ** ** Cabemet Divina Epic Gemini Greengo Legacy Nancy ** * *** * ** ** ** * *** * ** * ** Nevada New Red Fire Optima Ostinata Parris Island Redprize OP OP OP OP OP Seed Days to Head Leaf Disease source harvest type' color res./tol. B Sakata 60 G -R Petoseed 72 G CR,LMV,TB M G/R . Vilmorin 68 R . Vilmorin 62 L C G Petoseed 77 TB,DM L R Asgrow 66 Vilmorin 45 B G Sakata C G 65 Sakata 65 C G TB, L G . Asgrow Takii C G . B R . SeedWay 66 Vilmorin B G DM,LMV,TB Takii 45 L R . 58 55 60 65 Years Times eval. eval. 95,96 4 95,96 5 96 3 95,96 3 95 3 96 3 95 1 95,96 7 95,96 5 96 4 95,96 8 96 2 95,96 5 95,96 3 95,96 96 96 96 96 95,96 96 95,96 95,96 95,96 96 95 7 1 1 4 2 4 3 9 5 3 3 1 Times in top 5 0% 100% 67% 67% 100% 33% 0% 86% 60% 25% 62% 0% 100% 0% 14% 0% 0% 50% 50% 0% 100% 78% 60% 100% 33% 100% Vilmorin Stokes Stokes B B R G G G R R R G G R DM,LMV TB TB TB TB . . o *** ** * * ** FerryMorse Red Sails OP Petoseed Red Salad OP Vilmorin OP Vilmorin Salanca Salinas 88 OP Sakata Supreme Sangria OP Vilmorin Sierra SSlobolt 46 45 50 L L L L C B L 75 55 LMV OP OP OP Vilmorin Harris Seeds Petoseed 48 65 L C DM,TB, LMV G/R DM, TB, LMV G -G DM ** M.I. Target Type: OP = open pollinated Disease: CR =clubroot; LMV= lettuce mosaic virus; TB tip burn; DM downy mildew .=not available; - none;from seed catalogues Head lype*: B = butterhead, R romaine, M maraiche, L =looseleafC cripshead Leaf color: G =green, CiR= green/red,R = red 'Crisphead at iceberg types form a spiteric head of heavy leaves that are hirittle in texture, tightly packed, and suitable fat longdistance shipping; ranmaine or cos types detelop elotngatedheads oflong leaves with heaty nidribs; buttet head types ate chtartecrizcd by a loose head of crunmpled leates that htate a soft, buttery texture; looseleaf types include all the loase rosettes. Ratings:= not etaluated, a=nat suited,*= adapted, * good, ** =otutstanding, antd **=sutpetrlam Varieties for the Alabama Vegetable Industry and the Southeast 11 CONVOLVULACEA FAMILY - SWEETPOTATO Sweetpotato - Ipomea batatas L. Harvestable plant part: storage root Observed days to maturity: 106 to 141 days (spring production, from slips) Main production challenges in Alabama: sweetpotato weevil, white fringed beatle larvae, rough skin, weed control Typical harvest schedule: once-over harvest TABLE 6. DISEASE RESISTANCE AND TOLERANCE OF SELECTED SWEETPOTATO VARIETIES Rating **** Variety Beauregard Origin ** * * * *** Carolina Nugget Carolina Rose NCSU Carolina Ruby NCSU Cordner TAM, OSU Darby LSU Year Disease released resistance LSU 1987 FW SR,IC SB,CS NCSU, AU 1985 1997 1997 1984 1995 Disease susceptibility SR-KN BSR SRN Years eval. 94-96 Times eval. 9 94-96 95-96 95-96 94-96 94-96 9 6 6 9 9 FW,StR SR-KN SR,FW SR SR-KN ** ** Georgia Jet Hernandez UGA LSU 1974 1992 StR,IC FRR,BRR SftR StR FW, SR SR-KN BRR . RN N IC StR StRN 94-96 94-96 9 9 ** Jewel NCSU 1970 94-96 9 Origin:AU = Auburn University; LSU = Louisiana State University;NCSU = North CarolinaState University; OSU = Oklahoma State University; TAM = TexasA&M University; UGA = University of Georgia Disease: FW = fusarium wilt; SR = soil rot (pox); IC = internal cork; SB = sclerotia blight,; CS = circularspot; SR-KN = southern root-knot nematode;BSR, bacterialsoft rot; StRN = stem rot nematode; StR = stem rot;. SftR = soft rot S= not available, ;from variety-release bulletins Ratings: = not evaluated, o = not suited, * = adapted, ** = good, *** = outstanding, and **** - superior 12 Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station CUCURBITACEAE FAMILY: CUCUMBER, PUMPKIN, SMALL MELONS, SUMMER SQUASH, WINTER SQUASH, AND WATERMELON Cucumber (Slicer) - Cucumis sativus L. Harvestable plant part: immature fruit Observed days to maturity: 43 to 49 days (spring production, from seeds) Main production challenges in Alabama: powdery and downy mildew, yellow belly, blossom-end rot, angular leaf spot Ready for harvest: by size Typical harvest schedule: three times per week TABLE 7. SEED SOURCE, FRUIT CHARACTERISTICS, AND RELATIVE EARLINESS OF SELECTED CUCUMBER VARIETIES Rating * Variety Alamir Dasher II Type Fl Fl **** Flower Seed habit source Nunhems GY GY Petoseed ** **** * ** Encore Fl General Lee Fl Fl Harvest More HMX 0431 F1 HMX 1433 Fl Indy Fl Harris Seeds Stokes Sandoz Rogers Harris Seeds Harris Seeds Petoseed GY GY GY Days to Disease harvest res./tol. PM 51 58 A,ALS, CMV,DM, PM,Sc 55 ALS,CMV, DM,PM,Sc CMV,DM, 55 PM,Sc Years eval. 95 94-96 Times Times in top 5 eval. 1 0% 3 67% 94,95 94-96 94 2 4 1 2 1 1 50% 75% 0% 100% 0% 100% 66 GY . * ** 66 ALS,CMV, DM,PM,Sc ALS,CMV, DM,PM,Sc 96 96 96 ** Jazzer Lightning Longbow Fl F1 Fl Stokes Asgrow Seneca Harris Seeds Harris Seeds Asgrow MO GY GY MO MO GY 48 57 62 68 55 50 ** * * * ** Marketmore OP Medalist Meteor OP Fl * * Orient Express Paska F1 Fl Harris Seeds Nunhems GY . 55 . 96 CMV,DM, PM,Sc ALS,CMV, 95,96 DM,PM,Sc 95 CMV,DM, PM,Sc 94 CMV,DM, PM,Sc 95 CMV,DM, PM,Sc 94-96 A,ALS, CMV,DM, PM,Sc 94 CMV,DM, PM,Sc,WMV . 1 2 1 1 1 4 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 25% 1 1 0% 0% 94 * * Petra Prolific Fl Fl Nunhems Sakata GY MO 54 50 DM,PM ALS,DM, PM,Sc 95 94, 96 1 2 continued 0% 0% Varieties Vritip1fnr th Alabama Vpr-mhe Indistrv and the Sn thea for the Alabama Vee-etahle and the Southeast 13 FRating OF SELECTED CUCUMBER 1 TABLE 7. SEED SOURCE, FRUIT CHARACTERISTICS, AND RELATIVE EARLINESS VARIETIES, CONT. Variety Type ** * * * ** ** Seray Slice King Slice Max Slice Nice Speedway habit source El1 Nunhems GY GY El Sakata Seed Flower Days to Disease Fl Sakata Petoseed GY harvest res./tol. ~I'U' CIUIII~I' UnUnl'lUVI~III eval. \H eval. 1 95 50 DM,PM 1 96 ALS,DM, 50 PM,Sc 96 PM 50 * . Years Times Times in top5 100% 0% 0% 100% 33% Fl 1TWilley Fl C94 GY 56 A,ALS, CMV,DM, PM,Sc * . 94-96 * ** * * Soarer Thunder OP Fl Takii Asgrow GY 94 56 62 65 Trailblazer Turbo Fl Fl Seneca Petoseed MO * * * Ultraslice Early Var. #100 Var. #1810 Zenith Fl Fl Fl F Stokes A&C A&C FerryMorse 56 MO 60 50 ALS,CMV, 94-96 DM,PM,Sc 95 CMV,DM, PM,Sc 94,96 A,ALS, CMV,DM, PM,Sc 95,96 . * . 1 4 1 2 0% 25% 0% 0% 94 ALS,CMV, DM,PM,Sc CMVDM. PM,Sc 94 95.96 2 67% 100% 0% 0% Flower Habit: GY = gynoecious; MO = monoecious Disease:A = anthracnose;ALS = angularleaf spot; CMV = cucumber mosaic virus; DM = downy mildew; PM = powdery mildew; Sc = scab; WMV = watermelon mosaic virus Ratings: = not evaluated, a = not suited, * = adapted, ** = good, ** = outstanding, and **** _ superior Pumpkin - Cucurbita pepo and/or maxima L. Harvestable plant part: mature fruit Observed days to maturity: 75 to 108 days (for Halloween market, from seeds) Main production challenges in Alabama: powdery and downy mildew, viral diseases, pickleworm, water supply Ready for harvest: by size, after color development Typical harvest schedule: multipick or once-over harvest Ty~7e qcontinuedte Fl TABLE 8. =hybri; OP= SEED SOURCE, RELATIVE EARLINESS, AND FRUIT SIZE OF SELECTED PUMPKIN VARIETIES Rating o *** ***' *** * ** Variety Type OP Alagold Appalachian Fl Autumn Gold Fl Baby Bear Baby Pam Big Autumn OP OP Fl Days to Seed maturity source 95 AU Rupp Seeds 90 90 Sandoz Rogers Rupp Seeds 105 100 SeedWay 90 Sandoz Rogers Fruit weight (lbs.) 10-15 20-25 8-10 1-2 10-12 15-20 Years eval. 95 95,96 95,96 95,96 96 95,96 Times eval. 3 3 3 4 1 3 14 Alabama 4 OF SELECTED PUMPKIN AlabmAriutrlEprmnStio CONT. Agricultural Experiment Station TABLE 8. SEED SOURCE, RELATIVE EARLINESS, AND FRUIT SIZE VARIETIES, Rating ** Variety Big Max Type F1 OP OP OP OP OP Fl OP OP OP OP Seed source Asgrow *** ** ** * * ** * Casper (white) Cinderella (red) Connecticut Field Early Sweet Sugar Gold Rush Rupp Seeds Vilmorin Rupp Seeds! Asgrow Sandoz Rogers Rupp Seeds Rupp Seeds Stokes, Harris, Rupp Harris Seeds Sandoz Rogers Rupp Seeds Rupp Seeds Days to maturity 120 90 95 115 90 120 100 100 115 95 95 88 100 120 100 90 100 105 120 90 100 98 105 85 90 110 110 110 98 90 90 95 95 115 Fruit weight (lbs.) 35-50 10-20 20-30 1525 6-8 30-40 15-22 15-20 35-50 0.25 0.25 9-10 10-12 30-50 1-2 10-15 20-30 3-5 15-20 3-4 7 Years eval. 96 95,96 Times eval. 95,96 96 95,96 96 96 95,96 96 95 95,96 95,96 95,96 95,96 95,96 96 96 95,96 95.96 95,96 96 95,96 95,96 95,96 95,96 95,96 95 96 95,96 96 95,96 95,96 95,96 95,96 1 1 11 2 2 7 6 3 3 2 2 3 ** *** ** ** ** ** * Gold Strike Howden Howden Biggie Jack-Be-Little Jack-Be-Quick Jack-of-AllTrades Jackpot Jumpin' Jack Little Lantern Lumina (White) Mother Lode Fl * *** ** ** ** Fl OP OP OP Fl Harris Seeds Rupp Seeds Stokes Rupp Seeds! Stokes Rupp Seeds Harris Seeds * Oz F1 ** *** ** **** Pankows Field Peek-A-Boo Small Sugar Spirit Spookie Spooktacular Sugar Treat Sweetie Pie Tallman Thomas OP F1 Fl Fl OP Fl Fl OP OP OP ** ** ** ** ** * ** Harris Seeds Rupp Seeds Stokes! Asgrow Petoseed Harris Seeds Petoseed Rupp Seeds Stokes Stokes 4 3 2 6 4 5 4 2 3 6 5 6 6 4 SeedWay 10-12 5-6 3-5 3-5 0.25 15-30 16-35 10-12 3-3.5 15-20 18-22 22-26 10-15 Halloween * ** ** Trick-or-Treat Trickster F1 F1 Fl Fl Fl Fl Petoseed Rupp Seeds ** *** ** *** Var. #300 Var. #500 Var. #510 Wizard A&C A&C A&C Harris Seeds Type: OP = open pollinated;F] = hybrid Seed source: AU = Auburn University Cinderella, Sweetie Pie, andAlagold are cooking pumpkins; all other selected varieties ore ornamentalpumpkins. Ratings:= not evaluated, a not suited, *= adapted, **= good, ***= outstanding, and ***= superior \Tariatiac Varieties fnr or the LI Alnhamn Alaoarna VPCrPtah Vegetavie Tnrlnctrv 111uUSopy and allu the LIB 3ountlheaat1 .gnit ct 15 Small Melons Cantaloupe (Muskmelon) - Cucumis melo L. Reticulatus group Honey Dew - Cucumis melo L. Inodorus group Harvestable plant part: mature fruit Observed days to maturity: 60 to 71 days (spring production, from seeds) Main production challenges in Alabama: fusarium wilt, powdery and downy mildew, and bacterial wilt Ready for harvest: Cantaloupe - half to full slip Honey Dew - Yellowish color, loss of pubescence on fruit (will not slip even when mature) French Charentais - Yellowish color (will not slip even when mature); fruit blossom-end softens Typical harvest schedule: four to five harvests over two weeks TABLE 9. SEED SOURCE, FRUIT CHARACTERISTICS, AND RELATIVE EARLINESS OF SELECTED VARIETIES OF CANTALOUPES Rating Variety *** ** **** * Type Fl Fl Fl OP E/W E E E E Allstar Ambrosia Athena AUrora Seed source Harris Seeds A&C Sandoz Days to Disease harvest res./tol. Years eval. 96 95 Times eval. 2 2 4 5 Times in top 5 100% 50% 75% 40% 88 80 75 FW,PM 94-96 95,96 Rogers AU * * ** ** ** ** * **** *** *** **** ** *** ** * **** * Castella' Clipper' Cordele Don Luis Durango Eclipse Fanfair Hi-Mark Laredo Legend Mission Pacstart Sparkle Starship Star Sweet Superstar Supporter Fl Fl F1 F1 F1 F1 F1 Fl F1 Fl Fl F1 Fl Fl Fl F1 F1 E E E W W W E W W E W W W E E E E Nunhems Nunhems Asgrow Asgrow Petoseed SeedWay/ Petoseed Asgrow Petoseed Petoseed Asgrow Asgrow Asgrow FerryMorse Harris Seeds Harris Seeds Harris Seeds Nunhems 83 87 85 83 85 94,95 FW,PM 94,95 FW,PM 94-96 FW,PM 94 FW,PM 96 FW,PM,Sul 96 FW,PM FW,PM PM,Sul PM,Sul FW PM,Sul PM FW,PM, FW,PM FW,PM FW FW 94 94-96 96 94 94-96 96 94-96 95,96 94 94,96 95 4 3 8 1 2 2 1 7 2 1 5 2 3 4 1 3 2 25% 0% 88% 100% 50% 100% 0% 43% 0% 100% 80% 100% 67% 75% 0% 33% 0% 83 82 80 80 85 86 88 86 Type: OP = open pollinated; F] = hybrid E/W:." E = eastern (large, round melon, with marked sutures and net, large seed cavity); W = western (smaller melon, fully netted, with small seed cavity) Disease:FW = fusarium wilt; PM = powdery mildew; Ant = anthracnose;DM = downy mildew; Sul = sulfur Note: All varieties are orange-fleshed ' Varieties with the long-shelflife gene; can be harvested before slip for long-distance shipping Ratings: = not evaluated, o = not suited, * = adapted, **= good, *** = outstanding, and **** = superior 16 116 Alabama AlabaaArclua Eormn Agricultural Experiment Station tto TABLE 10. SEED SOURCE, FRUIT CHARACTERISTICS, AND RELATIVE EARLINESS SELECTED VARIETIES OF FRENCH CHARENTAISHONEY DEW, AND OTHER SMALL MELONS 0 Times eval. 4 4 3 2 3 1 1 1 2 3 Rating Variety French Charentais ** Acor Alienor ** Savor * Honey Dew Daybreak ** *"' ** Type Seed source Vilmorin Vilmorin Vilmorin Harris Seeds Petoseed Rind Flesh Shape Days to Disease harvest res/tol. 75 75 75 FW FW,TB FW,PM FWPM 80 92 92 80 96 84 Years eval. 95,96 95,96 95,96 96 95,96 96 96 96 95,96 95,96 Fl Fl Fl Fl Su Su o0 Su Sm Sm 0 0 G G R R R R R Earli-Dew Fl Fl Honey Brew * Magic-to- Fl Dew * Moonshine Fl ** Morning Fl Dew ** Morning Fl Ice Other Melons * Iberix OP (Spanish) Lutina Fl * (Canary) ***" Passport' F1 F1 * Solarbel (Galia) Sakata A&C Asgrow Harris Seeds Harris Seeds Vilmorin Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm G G G G G 0 R R FW FW,PM, DM FWPM FW FWDM, PM FWPM 0 0 Sm G Y G G 0 95,96 88 75 91 FW Ant,GSB FW,PM 95,96 96 95 3 2 2 1 Nunhems Sm Stokes Nunhems N N 0 R R Type: OP = open pollinated; F] hybrid Rind: Sm= smooth; N = netted ; Su = sutured Shape: = oval; R = round Flesh: = orange; G = green; Y = yellow Disease: FW =fusarium wilt; PM = powdery mildew; Ant = anthracnose;DM= downy mildew; Sul = sulfur; TB = tipburn; GSB = gummy stem blight ' Honey Dewsx Galiahybrid = outstanding, and **** _ Ratings: = not evaluated, a = not suited, *= adapted, ** = superior 0 0 good, Varieties for the Alabama Vegetable Industry and the Southeast 17 Varieties for the Alabama Vegetable Industry and the Southeast1 Yellow Summer and Zucchini Squash - Cucurbita pepo L. Harvestable plant part: immature fruit Observed days to maturity: 28 to 39 days (spring production, from seeds) Main production challenges in Alabama: powdery and downy mildew, viral diseases, blossom-end rot Ready for harvest: by size Typical harvest schedule: three times per week TABLE 11. T Raig Vity SEED SOURCE, FRUIT TYPE, AND RELATIVE EARLINESS OF SELECTED SQUASH VARIETIES Type Seed source Sandoz Rogers Sandoz Days to harvest 45 Disease res./tol. -- Years eval. 94 95,96 Times eval. 1 3 9 Tins. in top 5 100% 100% 89% * ** * Crescent Fl Fl Gentry Dixie Fl Fl Fl Fl F1 Rogers Asgrow 41 . -- 94-96 ** *** ** ** Freedom II' Fl Goldie Medalion Meigs (YPG) Pavo Picasso Asgrow Petoseed ZYMV, WMV,PM - 95 94-96 1 7 100% 57% A&C Asgrow Asgrow Ferry- 43 52 .. -- 96 96 94-96 96 1 1 6 2 100% 100% 83% 100% ** * ** Fl Fl Fl 40 40 --- ** * Prelude II' RXPG 843 Morse Asgrow Senea 40 44 ZYMV, WMV,PM - 95,96 9 3 1 100% 100%~ i * ** * * Sunbrite Sundance Sunrise Supersett Fl Fl Fl Fl F1 Fl Fl Fl Sandoz Rogers Petoseed Sandoz Rogers Harris 43 45 40 50 95 9496 94 94,96 2 6 1 5 10 50% 100% 80% (YPG) Yellow Straightneck ** Gold Slice *** ** ** ** Seeds Petoseed Asgrow Ferry- 45 41 48 45 --- 94 94-96 96 1 6 1 100% 100% 100% Lemon- drop L. Monet -- Morse Prolific Seneca Sunbar Botna Commander Condor Elira Seneca Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl ** Rupp Seeds Petoseed Nunhems Petoseed Vilmorin Nunhems 45 43 50 50 44 56 --- 95 94 1 1 2 1 1 3 4 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 33% 50% continued 94,96 --- Zucchini * * ** ** - 95 94 95,96 94,95 18 TABLE Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station 11. SEED SOURCE, FRUIT TYPE, AND RELATIVE EARLINESS OF SELECTED SQUASH VARIETIES, CONT. Rating **** * ** ** * Variety Embassy Essor Gold Rush (yellow) Magda Type F1 Fl Fl F1 Seed source Petoseed Vilmorin Stokes Vilmorin Days to harvest 49 52 Disease res./tol. PM,DM --- Years eval. 94-96 95 96 96 Times eval. 7 2 1 1 Tis. in top 5 86% 100% 0% 100% *** ** *** ** *** *** ** President Senator Sensation Spineless Beauty Super Select Taylor Tigress Zucchini Fl F1 Fl Fl F1l F1 Fl Fl Petoseed Asgrow Asgrow Sandoz Rogers Stokes Vilmorin Harris Seeds Seneca 49 41 40 43 48 47 42 ----PM,DM ZYMV, WMV -- 95 94-96 96 94-96 96 95,96 95,96 95 2 7 1 4 1 3 3 2 0% 86% 100% 50% 100% 100% 67% 100% 100% 3 95,96 -48 Harris Fl Zucchini Seeds Elite 0% 2 95 PM,DM 47 Stokes F1 Zucchini ** Select YPG = yellow precocious gene; this gene masks the green stripes of viral infections;peduncles are yellow instead of greenfor standard varieties Disease: PM = powdery mildew; DM = downy mildew; ZYMV = zucchini yellow mosaic virus; WMV = watermelon mosaic virus ** Ratings: = not evaluated, o = not suited, * = adapted, ** = good, *** = outstanding, and **** = superior ITransgenic variety Varieties for the Alabama Vegetable Industry and the Southeast 19 Winter Squash - Cucurbita pepo (acorn) and/or maxima and/or moschata L. Harvestable plant part: mature fruit Observed days to maturity: 97 days (spring production, from seeds) Main production challenges in Alabama: powdery and downy mildew, proper curing Ready for harvest: by size, when skin has become hard Typical harvest schedule: once-over harvest (all types except scallop); three times per week (scallop) TABLE 12. SEED SOURCE, FRUIT TYPE, AND RELATIVE EARLINESS OF SELECTED WINTER SQUASH VARIETIES Rating *** ** ** *** ** Variety Butternut Supreme Carnival Early Type F1,B F1,N F1,B OP,D OP,H Seed source Stokes Harris Seeds Stokes Stokes Stokes Days to harvest 97 90 75 100 90 90 120 50 80 75 100 68 90 90 70 Growth habit Vining Bushy Semi-bushy Vining Vining Vining Vining Bushy Vining Semi-bushy Vining Bushy Bushy Vining Vining Years eval. 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 Times eval. 1 1 1 Butternut Golden Delicious Golden *** ** Hubbard Honey Delite Hubbard Fl,Bc OP,H Sakata Stokes ** ** ** ** Improved Green Scallopini F1,S Swan OP,A F1,Bc OP, SP Stokes Stokes Stokes Stokes White Acorn Sweet Mama Sweet ** ** Dumpling Tay Belle Tivoli F1,A Fl,Sp Stokes, Asgrow Sakata 1 *** *** Ultra Butternut Vegetable Spaghetti F1,B OP, Sp Seedway Stokes Type: OP = open pollinated; F] = hybrid; B = butternut;N = novelty; D = delicious; H = hubbard; S = scallop; Bc= buttercup; SP = sweet potato; Sp = spaghetti; A = acorn. Ratings: = not evaluated, o = not suited, * = adapted, ** = good, *** = outstanding, and **** = superior 20 20 Alabama AlabaaArclua Eormn Agricultural Experiment Station tto Watermelon - Citrullus lunatus (Thunb.) Matsum & Nakai Harvestable plant part - mature fruit Observed days to maturity - 90 to 100 days (spring production, from seeds) Main production challenges in Alabama: fusarium wilt, powdery and downy mildew, gummy stem blight, pollination, water supply Ready for harvest: dry dendril opposite to the watermelon; hollow sound when thumpinig Typical harvest schedule: two to three harvests TABE SEDSOURCE, FRUIT CHARACTERISTICS, AND RELATIVE EARLINESS 1. OF SELECTED WATERMELON VARIETIES TABE SED 1. 1 Rating Seed Flesh Days to Disease source T~color ~~I~T~rm~ res./tol. II T\CI~~I ~tT\~ C\Ur~T\nt ~~~~l+n I r\~t~An~T~ TYI~ harvest ~ur, Diploids R Takii Asahi Miyako F1 * R * AU-All Sweet OP AU 75 Ant,FW, Y OP AU AU-Golden * * ** GSB,DM Producer 77 Ant,FW, R AU OP ** * AU-Producer GSB Ant,FW, R 88 OP AU ** AU-Sweet GSB Scarlet R AU *** AU-SS Sweet OP Scarlet Variety Type ** Years eval. 94 94,96 Tns. Tis. in top 5 eval. 3 6 9 95,96 95 94, 95 96 96 94 96 94 94 95 94,95 94 94-96 94 94 94 96 94,96 94,95 94,96 94,96 94,96 94,96 95 94 94 0% 17% 33% 50% 100% 20% 100% 0% 20% 100% 100% 100% 17% 50% 29% 0% 0% 0% 100% 29% 17% 80% 75% 60% 29% 100% 0% 100% continued 4 5 5 3 1 5 1 2 4 6 2 7 1 2 2 3 7 6 5 4 5 7 4 1 3 Baron Fl American * ** * * * * * * ** Carolina Cross OP Crimson Glory Fl Crimson Sweet OP Crimson Tide Crisbi Dumara Fiesta Hock Finn Fl Fl F1 Sunmelon Petoseed Petoseed Sandoz Rogers Sandoz Rogers Nunhems Nunhems Sandoz 82 85 84 77 83 88 85 95 90 FW Ant,FW Ant,FW FW Ant,FW -- Fl * ** ** F1 OP UP OP Rogers Ferry-Mors ** * * * ** * ** Jubilee Jubilee 11 Juliett Oasis Paradise Red Honey Regency Royal Jubilee Royal Majesty F1 Asgrow Asgrow Sandoz Rogers Harris Seed Harris Seed Nunhems Petoseed Petoseed Petoseed Ant,FW FW * ** * ** **** Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl II * ** *** I Royal Sweet Samos Sangria StarBrite u ulllccr cc Petoseed Nunhems Sandoz Rogers Asgrow I ~LILIIIVIIIU I\ 74 75 75 83 95 90 85 82 87 85 Vcl Ant,FW Ant,FW -- AntFW Ant,FW Ant,FW Ant,FW -- Ant,FW FW Varieties for the Alabama Vegetable Industry and the Southeast TABLE 13. SEED SOURCE, FRUIT CHARACTERISTICS, AND RELATIVE EARLINESS OF SELECTED WATERMELON VARIETIES, CONT. 21 Rating Variety Diploids * Sunsweet ** Sweet Favorite Type Seed source Sandoz Rogers Sakata Flesh color R R Days to Disease harvest res./tol. . 83 -- Years eval. 94 96 Tms. Tms. in eval. top 5 1 3 Fl Fl 0% 0% o Yellow Doll Triploids * Crimson Trio * Fl Fl F1 Fl Fl Fl Fl F1 Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl F1 Petoseed Sandoz Rogers Takii Sakata Sandoz Rogers Asgrow CU American Sunmelon American Sunmelon American Sunmelon A&C A&C Pioneer Pioneer Y R R R R R R R R R R R R R 68 -- 96 94 94 96 94 94 95 96 96 96 5 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 0% 50% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 33% 33% 25% 50% ** * ** * Laurel Paladin Scarlet Trio Tiffany Triten Tri-X 313 Tri-X Shadow Tri-X Sunrize Var. #5244 Var. #5544 W-1003 W-1025 *** *** *** *** *** ** ** . . 110 120 . . . 94,96 96 95 95 Type: OP = open pollinated; F] = hybrid Seed source: AU = Auburn University; CU = Clemson University Flesh color: R = red; Y = yellow Disease: Ant = anthracnose; FW =fusarium wilt; GSB = gummy stem blight; DM = downy mildew S= not available; -- = none;from seed catalogues Ratings: = not evaluated, o = not suited, * = adapted, ** = good, *** = outstanding, and **** = superior 22 Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station 22 AlabaaArclua Eprmn tto GRAMINEAE FAMILY: SWEET CORN AND ORNAMENTAL CORN Sweet corn - Zea mays var. rugosa Bonaf. Harvestable plant part - immature seed Observed days to maturity: 55 to 71 days (spring production, from seed) Main production challenges in Alabama: corn earworm, fall army worm Ready for harvest: kernel moisture level Typical harvest schedule: once-over harvest TABLE 14. SEED SOURCE, TYPE, COLOR, AND EARLINESS Rating ** Variety Geronimo OF SELECTED SWEET CORN VARIETIES Seed Color Type Days to Disease source harvest res./tol. Stokes Stokes FerryMorse Asgrow FerryMorse Asgrow A&C Harris Seeds Sandoz Rogers Asgrow SeedWay Harris Seeds Asgrow Harris Seeds Seneca Sandoz Rogers Stokes Asgrow Asgrow FerryMorse SeedWay Harris Seeds Harris Seeds A&C A&C A&C Harris *** ** ** ** ** Sir Galahad A-Maizingly Sweet Dazzle Diaholo Festival BC BC BC BC BC BC BC BC W W W W W W W W W W W W W W se se sh2 sh2 sh2 sh2 sh2 sh2 se se se se se se se se sh2 sh2 sh2 sh2 sh2 sh2 63 85 82 83 78 75 81 73 79 82 79 80 85 66 71 71 83 87 83 --CR NCLB, SBW SBW NCLB NCLB,SCLB, SBW CS,SBW SBW CR,CS SBW CS,SBW CRSCLB SWT . . Years eval. 95,96 95,96 96 95,96 96 94-96 94,96 96 94 95,96 96 94-96 95.96 95 95,96 94 96 95 95,96 96 96 96 Times eval. 4 2 6 4 2 3 8 12 11 5 8 3 5 4 10 2 4 *** ** ** SS 8102 Sweet Rithm Alpine *** * *** *** Fantasia Rising Star Silverado Snow Belle Spring Snow Starshine White Delight Blizzard Even Sweeter Frontier FMX 413 Pegasus Silver Dollar o ** * ** -. ** * ** * ** NCLB, CR,SBW -- * ** 90 76 ** ** *** *** * Snow White SS 7211 SS 7801 SS 8101 Sweet W W W W W sh2 sh2 sh2 sh2 sh2 81 72 78 81 74 NCLB, SCLB MDMV, SBW,NCLB, CS MDMV . 94-96 96 94,95 96 96 9 3 3 3 2 continued -. lce SBWCS Seeds Varieties for the Alabama Vegetable Industry and the Southeast 23 Varieties for the Alabama Vegetable Industry and the Southeast2 TABLE 14. SEED SOURCE, TYPE, COLOR, AND EARLINESS OF SELECTED SWEET CORN VARIETIES, Days to harvest 74 83 CONT. Rating * Variety Sweet Magic Treasure Seed source Harris Seeds Harris Seeds Harris Seeds SeedWay Seneca Sandoz Rogers Sandoz Rogers Stokes Stokes Harris Seeds Asgrow Color W W Type sh2 sh2 Disease res./tol. CS,SBW NCLB, CR,SCLB, SBW SBW NCLB, SCLB,SBW . Years eval. 96 95,96 Times eval. *** * *** Quick Silver Silver Queen W W Y Y Y Y Y Y su su se se se se se se 75 92 . 96 94-96 95 94 94 95 95 95,96 4 8 5 3 3 5 5 7 * * *5 Arrow Candy King Empire 73 83 85 66 73 -CR SBW,CR -MDMV, NCLB,CS, SBW CS,SBW, SCLB,NCLB, MDMV SBW,CR, CS,NCLB . o * ** Flavor King King Arthur Legend * * Merit Y su 78 96 8 *5* Merlin Stokes Seneca Harris Seeds Harris Seeds Stokes Asgrow Asgrow Sandoz Rogers Harris Seeds Asgrow Seneca Stokes A&C A&C A&C A&C Asgrow Stokes FerryMorse PerryMorse Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y se se se se sh2 sh2 sh2 sh2 sh2 sh2 sh2 sh2 sh2 sh2 sh2 sh2 sh2 sh2 sh2 sh2 84 66 79 64 87 78 84 78 81 74 77 82 78 82 84 77 85 69 75 80 95,96 95 94-96 95 94 94-96 96 94 95,96 94-96 95 94 94,96 96 94,95 95,96 94,95 94,96 96 96 continued 8 5 10 5 * ** RXY 6603 Sugar Ace CR,CS,SBW -SBW,NCLB, MDMV NCLB,SBW, SCLB,CS NCLB,SCLB, CR,SBW,A . o * *5 ** Sweet Dawn Bunker Hill Challenger 11 2 Forever Krispy King Maxim Punchline RXY 77O3ss Spring Sweet SS 7210 SS 7620 SS 7630 887710 Sweet Belle Sweet Desire Sweet Ear Victor ** ** ** * * ** ** ** ** *** MDMV,SCLB, SBW NCLS,SBW, A, SCLB . . 8 9 5 3 2 7 2 7 6 3 2 *5 ** *5 SCLB NCLB,SBW, A NCLB,SBW NCLB,SBW,A NCBL,SCLB, SBW . NCLB,CS 24 24 Alabama AlabamaAerictulE Agricultural Experiment iment1Sation Station Rating ** o ** ** TABLE 14. SEED SOURCE, TYPE, COLOR, AND EARLINESS OF SELECTED SWEET CORN VARIETIESCONT. Variety Seed Color Type Days to Disease Years soorce harvest res/tol. eval. Golden Cross Local Y so 84 SBW 96 Bantam store Kandy Korn TWilley Y so 81 CR 95 Merit Asgrow Y so 78 CS,SBW, 96 SCLB,NCLB, MDMV Seneca Horizon Stokes Y so 64 CR,SBW 96 Times eval. 2 5 8 3 Color: BC = bi-color; W = white; Y = yellow; .= not available; -- = none;from seed catalogses Type: su = sugary; se = sugar eshasced; sh2 = shsunken (ot sspersweet) Disease:CR = cots rust; CS = cots smut; MDMV = saize dwarfmosaic vis; NCLB statrtlerntcornleaf blt;tSBW=stewatt's bacterial wilt; SCLB = southerns cots leaf blight; A = anthracsose Ratings: = not evalsated, o = not ssited, * = adapted,** = good, *55 = outstandisg, and ** 5t= tpelot Ornamental corn - Zea mays L. Harvestable plant part - mature seed Observed days to maturity: 88 to 104 days (from seed) Main production challenges in Alabama - corn earworm, fall army worm Ready for harvest; dry kernel Typical harvest schedule: once-over harvest TABLE 15. SEED SOURCE, TYPE, COLOR AND EARLINESS OF SELECTED ORNAMENTAL CORN VARIETIES Rating ** * ** ** * * Variety Alabama Coschatta Mr. T Chinook Wampum Rainbow Purple Husk Seed source Rupp Seeds Rupp Seeds Ropp Seeds Rupp Seeds Rupp Seeds Days to harvest 110 95 90 95 110 Ear length (in.) 8-10 5-8 5-7 4-6 8-10 Years eval. 96 96 96 96 96 Times eval. 2 2 2 2 2 Days to harvest and ear length arefrom seed Catalogues. Ratings; = not evaluated, o = not suited, * - adapted, ** = good, *'* = outstunding, and superior **** _ Varieties for the Alabama Vegetable Industry and the Southeast 25 SOLANACEAE FAMILY: EGGPLANT, PEPPER, AND TOMATO Eggplant - Solanum melongena L. Harvestable plant part - immature fruit Observed days to maturity: 43 to 55 days (spring production, from transplant) Main production challenges in Alabama: spider mites, flea beatles, blossom-end rot Ready for harvest: by size Typical harvest schedule: twice per week TABLE 16. SEED SOURCE, FRUIT CHARACTERISTICS, AND RELATIVE EARLINESS OF SELECTED EGGPLANT VARIETIES Rating * Variety Bambino Black Bell Bride Casper Classic Epic Type Fl Fl Fl OP Fl Fl Seed source Plant Fruit Days to Disease col./sh. harvest res./tol. P,R P,O W,E W,E P,T P,E Years Tis. Tis. in eval. eval. top 5 94 94,95 94 95 94,95 94,95 **** *** *** Rupp C Seeds Petoseed C Rupp C C C C 45 65 58 70 76 64 -TbMV ---TbMV 2 4 2 2 4 4 0% 100% 0% 0% 50% 75% Seeds **** *** Stokes Harris Seeds Petoseed *** *** ** ** Ghostbuster Fl Harris Seeds Harris C C W,R P, M 80 68 --- 95 95 2 2 0% 0% Little Fingers OP ** ** Long Tom Megal Rosita Short Tom Tasca F1 F1 Fl F1 Fl Seeds Sakata Vilmorin O Stokes C Sakata 0 0 P,E P,E Pk,T P,E P,R 65 60 68 65 68 ------ 94 95 95 94 95 2 2 2 2 2 50% 50% 0% 100% 0% * ** Vilmorin C Vernal Vittoria Fl F1 Vilmorin Petoseed C C P,T P, E 70 61 o TbMV, CMV TbMV 95 94 2 2 100% 0% Plant.: C = compact; 0 = oriental; Cl = classic (The leaves of classic-type plants are fully green, while in the oriental type, the vein of the leaves are purple to brown.) Fruit color (col): P = purple; W = white; Pk = pink. Fruitshape (sh.): R = round; 0 = oblong; E = elongated; M = minature; T = teardrop Type: F] = hybrid; OP = open pollinated Disease: TbMV = tobacco mosaic virus; CMV = cucumber mosaic virus; -- = none;from seed catalogues Ratings: = not evaluated, o = not suited, * = adapted, ** = good, *** = outstanding, and **** = superior 26 Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station Pepper - Capsicum annuum L. var. annuum: Bell, Cayenne, Chili, Cone, and Red Cluster Groups Harvestable plant part - immature or mature fruit Observed days to maturity: 63 to 77 days for bell, 55 to 58 days for other types (spring production, from transplant) Main production challenges in Alabama: bacterial leaf spot, blossom-end rot Ready for harvest: by size and/or color development Typical harvest schedule: once every seven to ten days TABLE 17. SEED SOURCE, FRUIT CHARACTERISTICS, AND RELATIVE EARLINESS OF SELECTED SWEET PEPPER VARIETIES Rating Variety Type Seed source Stokes Color Days to harvest 56 Disease res./tol. Years eval. 95 Times eval. 1 2 1 1 4 Tis. in top 5 Banana (B.) ** Ivory B. Fl G-Y ** ** Bell ** Sugar B. Fl Super Sweet B. Fl Acapulco Admiral Fl Fl Stokes Stokes Vilmorin Sandoz Rogers Harris Seeds Harris Seeds FerryMorse Stokes Stokes Sandoz Rogers Harris Seeds Petoseed G-Y G-Y G-R G-Y 60 59 70 76 -- 95 95 96 95,96 ** * * * * ** * *** *** * * * ** ** ** *** * ** * *** * Bellguard Bell King Belle Star Black Bird Blue Jay Bomby Boyton Bell Camelot X3R Canary Capsitrano Cardinal Carlos Chocolate Beauty Chocolate Bell Dove Enterprise Estima Figaro Four Corners Goldcoast Golden Bell Fl F1 Fl F1 Fl Fl F1 F1 Fl OP Fl Fl Fl F1 Fl F1 F1 Fl Fl F1 Fl G-R G-R G-R G-Bk-R P-R G-R G-R G-R 74 74 67 73 73 72 75 74 72 74 70 . TbMV, BLS(l,2), PVY TbMV, PVY, TbEV TbMV TbMV --TbMV BLS (1,2,3) TbMV, BLS (1,2,3) TbMV TbMV TbMV TbMV,PVY TbMV --TbMV, BLS (1,2,3) TbMV TbMV, PVY TbMV TbMV, BLS (1,2,3) -- 0% 40% 94,95 94-96 94,96 94,96 94,96 94 96 94-96 94,96 96 94 94 94,96 95 94,96 95,96 94 95,96 94 95,96 94,95 6 4 3 9 8 2 2 12 6 2 3 2 4 1 9 4 1 3 2 5 6 17% 50% 33% 56% 45% 0% 100% 25% 0% 0% 0% 0% 50% 0% 89% 75% 0% 33% 0% 60% 17% continued Stokes G-Y Petoseed G-R Stokes G-R Nunhems G-R Ball G-Br-R Stokes Stokes Asgrow Nunhems Vilmorin FerryMorse Asgrow Harris G-Br-R W-Pk G-R G-R G-R G-R G-Y G-Y Seeds 85 75 71 77 . 71 67 74 68 Varieties for the Alabama Vegetable Industry and the Southeast 27 Varieties for the Alabama Vegetable Industry and the Southeas TABLE Rating ** * 2 CONT. 17. SEED SOURCE, FRUIT CHARACTERISTICS, AND RELATIVE EARLINESS OF SELECTED PEPPER VARIETIES, 72 72 Variety Gold Finch Guardian Type Seed source Stokes Sandoz Rogers Harris Sandoz Takii Petoseed Color WYR G-R Days to harvest Disease res./tol. -- Years eval. 96 Times eval. 2 3 Tins. in top 5 50% 0%b Fl Fl * ** Honey Belle tvory Jumbo Sweet King Ft Fl G-Y WY G-R G-R 74 68 TbMV, 95 BLS(l ,2), PVY,TbEV TbMV 94 TbMV, 94-96 PVY TbMV, 04-06 PVY,BLS(2), TbEV TbMV 94 TbMV 94-96 TbMV TbMV TbMV, PVY TbMV TbMV, PVY, PEV BLS(t,2) -- 3 6 33% 83% 0% 47% * **** Fl Fl 72 17 Arthur * ** * * ** * Klondike Bell Ft Lilac Fl Marengo NewAce Orange Grande Oriole Orobelle Fl Purple Beauty OP Ranger Fl Fl Ft Fl Fl ** ** * * * * ** Redwing Red Dawn Renegade Robin Superset Tazza Ft F1 Fl Stokes Sandoz Rogers Asgrow Takii Stokes Stokes Sandoz Rogers Petoseed Asgrow Stokes Stokes Asgrow Stokes Stokes Nunhems Nunhems Sandoz Rogers A&C A&C Takii Petoseed Nunhems Sandoz G-Y P-R G-Y G-R G-0 G-0 G-Y Bk G-R G-R G-R G-R G-R G-R G-Y G-R G-0 G-Y G-R G-R G-R G-R GR 72 68 80 62 76 74 72 74 75 72 69 76 72 64 * 4 6 6 3 5 4 5 4 3 3 3 3 4 2 5 1 5 1 25% 50% 94 94 95,96 94-96 94,96 95,96 94 95,96 95,96 94 95,96 94,96 94,96 95 94,96 94 0% 33% 0% 0% 20% 0% 66% 66% 66% 33% 25% 50% 40% 100% 10% 0% 0% 0% 66% 86% Fl Ft Ft Ft Ft Ft Ft * * * * F1 Ft TbMV . * * * Tenno Valencia Var. #860 Var. #862R Wonder Bell Wizard X3R Zerto * TbMV,PVY 70 TbMV *. * * ** 86 * * Ft Fl TbMV,PVY * TbMV * BLS(l,2,3), TbMV * TbMV 95 94 95,96 94-96 95 1 2 3 7 2 3 2 Cubanelle ** Aruba ** ** Biscayne Green Horn ** Key Largo Fl Ft Fl Rogers Petoseed Takii G-R GR 67 66 94,95 94 Harris Seeds G-0-R 94,95 2 Bananapeppers are elongated with pointed ends. Cubanelle peppers are elongated with lobes merging at the tip. Type: F]= hybrid; OP= open pollinated Fruit color: G= green; Y = yellow; Bk= black; Br= brown; W= white; = orange;R= red; P= purple; Pk= pink Disease: BLS (Race #) = bacterial leaf spot;PVY = potato virus Y; PFV= potato etch virus; TbMV= tobacco mosaic virus; TbEV = tobacco etch virus; PMV= pepper mottle virus -- none;. = not available; from seed catalogues 0 Ratings:= not evalsated, a not ssited, *= adapted, ** good, *** =oststanding,and **** =superior 28 Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station TABLE 18. SEED SOURCE, FRUIT CHARACTERISTICS, AND RELATIVE EARLINESS OF SELECTED HOT PEPPER VARIETIES Rating Variety Ancho San Luis Cherry Bomb Delicias Inferno Type Classification F1 ** Fl ** Fl F1 F1 OP OP OP OP Fl OP Fl Seed Days to Color RSR source harv. Ancho Petoseed 78 G-R 15004500 G-R 2500 Hot Cherry Petoseed 67 5000 G-R 500 Jalapeno Petoseed 67 Hungarian Wax Jalapeno Poblano Jumbo Jalapeno Paprika Cayenne Jalapeno Jalapeno Disease res./tol. - Yr/Tins. eval. 96/2 96/2 96/2 96/2 TbMV PeMV, PVY,TbEV -- ** Petoseed Petoseed Petoseed FerryMorse Petoseed Petoseed Harris Seeds Petoseed 63 74 89 80 100 77 80 77 Y-R 2500 ** Mitla ** ** Mulato Isleno Ole Papri King 4500 G-R 40006000 G-Br 5001000 G-R -G-R G-Br G-R 5001000 100250 -5000- - 96/2 96/1 96/2 - ** -TbMV TbMV TbMV 96/2 96/2 96/2 96/2 ** ** Pasilla Bajio Picante Santa Fe Grande Vulcano ** Y-O-R YR ** Hungarian Wax FerryMorse 63 8000 -- TbMV 96/2 Type: F] - hybrid; OP = open pollinated = nrange; R = red; P= Color: G = green; Y = yellow; Bk = black; Br = hrnwn; W= white; purple; Pk = pink RSR: relative Scoville rating ranks hotness of peppers (range 0 = mildest to 300,000 = hottest) Disease: PVY = potato virus Y; TbEV = tobacco mosaic virus; PeMV = pepper mottle virus -- = none;. = not available;from seed catalogues Ratings: = not evaluated, a = not suited, * = adapted,* -=good, *' =-outstanding,and * superior 0 Varieties for the Alabama Vegetable Industry and the Southeast 29 Varieties for the Alabama Vegetable Industry and the Southeast2 Tomato - Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. Harvestable plant part - mature fruit Observed days to maturity: 55 to 78 days (spring production, from transplant) Main production challenges in Alabama: blights, blossom-end rot, viral diseases Ready for harvest: by size or color Typical harvest schedule: once every six to eight days TABLE Seed Plant Fruit Days to Disease Yrs. Times Tins. in Rating Variety Type top 5 source habit color S/N* Ifrnlra I hnr"rrpCt crHPnnIp' C\nrPP7~1PrV C1Y PLCTI7tharv. t~ n~TIC res/tol. eval. eval. Fresh market 25% V,FW, 95,96 4 Sakata Det Red 73 **/* Acclaim N,TbMV, ASC,St 7 43% Petoseed Det Red 72 V,FW,N, 94-96 * **/* ** Celebrity TbMV, ASC,St 94 V,FW,N, 2 50% Red 62 Ball Seed Det *1* Champion TbMV 33% V,FW, 94,96 3 Petoseed Det Red 76 * **/* * Colonial ASC,St V,FW, 94-96 6 50% Petoseed Det Red 68 ***/*** Daybreak Fl ASC,St 1 100% Red Asgrow Det 96 * */* * Florida 47 2 50% V,FW, 95 Red Nunhems Det */* Granola TbMV, ASC 0% Red 75 2 */* Joker Fl Vilmorin nd. 95 V,FW,N, ,M1 TbMV, ASC n F95 50% 2 TWilley Det Red 80 */* Liberty 2 V,FW 94 0% 80 Harris Det Red */* Market Seeds Pride * 95,96 3 0% Vilmorin Det Red *1* Medina 43% 94-96 7 V,FW, 69 Red Fl1 Rogers Det * **/* ** Merced TbMV V,FW 0% 96 65 Red **/*** Mt. Belle Fl SeedWay Det V,FW, 94-96 7 14% Red 70 **/*** Mt. Fl Petoseed Det ASC, St Delight 100% V,FW 96 Det Red 75 */* * Mt. Fresh FerryMorse 100% V,FW 96 Stokes Det Golden 70 */* * Mt. Gold OP V,FW, 96 0% 77 Stokes Det Red * */* * ** Mt. Pride ASC,St 40% V,FW 94-96 5 Red 69 Sandoz Det * */* ** Mt. Spring Rogers 2 50% V,FW 94 Red 75 F1 Asgrow Det **/**** Mt. Supreme 0% V,FW, 95 Petoseed Det. Red 76 *1* Olympic ASC,St continued F 19. SEED SOURCE, FRUIT CHARACTERISTICS, AND RELATIVE EARLINESS OF SELECTED TOMATO VARIETIES Fl F1 Fl Fl Fl Fl F1 Fl F1 Fl Fl Fl F1 30 30 OF SELECTED TOMATO Alabama AlabmAriutrlEeimnStio CONT. Agricultural Experiment Station TABLE 19. SEED SOURCE, FRUIT CHARACTERISTICS, AND RELATIVE EARLINESS VARIETIES, Days to Rating Variety Type Seed Plant Fruit Disease Yrs. Times Tins. in top 5 0% 100%o 75% 0% 0% S/N* 0/0 * */* * */* ** source habit Orange Queen Pilgrim Redstone Regency Scarlet Spitfire color harv. 65 68 66 76 64 68 75 72 80 79 75 res/tol. eval. 96 eval. 1 1 4 2 4 OP Fl Fl Stokes Det. Orange Red Red Red Red Red Red Red Red Red Red Pink Red Red SeedWay Det. Stokes Harris *1* */* **/** Fl Fl Det. Det. V,FW, ASC,St V,FW V,FW 96 94,95 94 * **/* * Sunbeam ***/** Sunbelt Fl Fl Fl Fl Seeds Stokes Ferry- Det. Det. Det. Morse Asgrow Petoseed Det. Asgrow Harris **/*Sunpride */* ** Det. Ind. Det. Det. Det. Det. Supersonic Fl Fl V,FW 94,95 V,FW, 96 ASC,St V,FW 94-96 V,FW,N, 96 ASC,St V,FW, 94-96 ASC,St V,FW 95,96 V,FW, TbMV,St V,FW, TbMV V,FW, TbMV V,FW yEW V,FW V,FW,N 94 94 94-96 95,96 2 6 1 5 3 2 2 6 4 50% 33% 0% 60% 33% 0% 0% 33% 25% *1* Tango *1* Top Forcer * **/* ** UltraFl Fl Seeds Sandoz Rogers Takii Stokes Stokes 68 62 magnum ***/*** Ultra F1 Sweet Roma-type **/** Capri Maeero II /* * **/** Fl OP F1 Olinda Sheriff F1 Stokes Harris Seeds Nunhems FerryMorse Det. Det. Det. Det. Red Red Red Red 70 76 95 95,96 95 96 2 3 2 2 74 Marmande-type * w (Fl) GIw Honey De Honey De Honey De rev (Fl) Honey De Specialty Westem Crenshaw Western Eastem Canary Eastern Eastern Westem Sandoz Rogers Hollar Petoseed Petoseed Hollar Hollar, Stokes Petoseed, Shamrock Asgrow Hollar Asgrow Petoseed Shamrock Asgrow Abbott & Cobb Petoseed Hollar Stokes Hollar Asgrow Asgrow Harris Seeds Harris Seeds Asgrow Rupp Petoseed Shamrock Sandoz Rogers Asgrow Stokes Shamrock Hollar Hollar, Asgrow Hollar Petoseed Asgrow Hollar Petoseed Sandoz Rogers, Stokes Petoseed, Stokes Petoseed Shamrock Harris Seeds continued Westem Western Eastern * (Fl) Morning Ice (Fl) Moonshine Honey D yew Westem Eastern Canary Eastern Western Honey D Momning Dew (Fl1) No. 45 SJ (OP) NVH 897 (Fl) Opera Orangedew (tOP) Ovation (Fl) Pacstart(Fl) )ew Honey Df)ew Honey DH ** Western Eastern Charentaiits ew Honey DE Westemn Westemn Honey Dew Galia x IPassport (Fl) Spanish Piel de Sapo (OP) Eastern Pennsweet Western Perlita Persian Persian Pinonet Piel de Sapo (OP) Spanish Eastern Planter's Jumbo (OP) Western Planter's Jumbo Westemn PMR 45 (OP) Western Primo (Fl1) Eastern Pulsar (Fl) Eastern Quasar (Fl1) Ranger (Fl1) Rising Star (Fl) I ,, IVIUIIIIII~ uc;w \1 11 rlvllc~y u~v Varieties for the Alabama Vegetable Industry and the Southeast TABLE 51 CONT. 28. INDEX OF MUSKMELON VARIETIES, Rating Variety name Roadside (Fl) Rocky Ford Green Flesh Rocky Sweet Variety type Eastern Seed source Petoseed Hollar Rupp Hollar Hollar, Sharnrock Petoseed Vilrorin Hollar Sharrock Sharrock Hollar Sharrock Hollar Rupp Ferry-Morse Hollar Harris Seeds Harris Seeds Harris Seeds Asgrow, Stokes Sharrock Petoseed Harris Seeds Nunhers Rupp Rupp Asgrow Asgrow Hollar Hollar Sakata Harris Seeds Hollar, Asgrow Sandoz Rogers Hollar Hollar Sandoz Rogers Sharrock Hollar Petoseed (Fl) Salrnon Crearn (Fl) Santa Claus (OP) Saticoy (Fl) Savor (Fl) Schoon's Hardshell Scoot (Fl) Sharlyn (OP) Sierra Gold Srnall Persian (OP) Srnith's Perfect Sonora (Fl) Sparkle (Fl) Spice (Fl1) ** Specialty Specialty Eastern Casaba Eastern Charentais Eastern Western Western Persian Eastern Specialty (Casaba) Western Star Fire Starship Surnret (Fl) (Fl) (Fl) Specialty Eastern Star Sweet (Fl) Sunhurst (Fl) Super Sprint (Fl) Superstar (Fl) Supporter(F1) Sweet Delight (OF) Sweetn Early (Fl) Tania (Fl) Tarn Dew (OP) Tarn Dew Irnproved Tarn Uvalde Ternptation (Fl1) Tenerife (Fl1) Toprnark (OP) Top Mark F.R. (OF) U.C. Honeyloupe Valencia Veracruz Verde Eastern Eastern Eastern Canary Eastern Eastern * Eastern Honey Dew Eastern Specialty Haney Dew Honey Dew Western Western Canary Western Western Honey Dew Piel de Sapo Western (Fl) (Fl) Yellow Canary Yan Ratings. = Honey Dew Canary not evaluated,o -=riot suited, *- adapted, ** = good, ** - outstanding, and ****= superior 52 Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station Rating TABLE 29. INDEX OF OKRA VARIETIES Variety type Variety name Green Annie Oakley II (Fl) Burgundi Red Cajun Delight Green Clemson Spineless Green Emerald Green Best Lee Mita Perkin's Mammoth Rani Spike White Velvet Green Green Green Green Green Green Green White Seed source Petoseed Park Seed Park Seed Asgrow, Petoseed, Park Seed Ferry-Morse Park Seed Park Seed Wilhite Montgomery Seeds Wilhite Wilhite Montgomery Seeds Ratings: = not evaluated, o = not suited, * = adapted, ** = good, *** = outstanding, and **** = superior TABLE 30. INDEX OF PEPPER VARIETIES Rating ** ** ** ** * ** * ** * Variety name Acapulco (Fl) Ace (Fl) Admiral (F l) Aladdin X3R (Fl) Amethist (OP) Anaheim Chili (OP) Anaheim TMR 23 (OP) Ancho 101 (OP) Ancho Gigantia (OP) Ancho Ranchero (Fl) Ancho San Luis (OP) Aruba (Fl) Banana Supreme (Fl) Barkan Baron (Fl) Belconi (Fl) Bell Boy (Fl) Bell Captain (Fl) Bell King (Fl) Bell Tower (Fl) Belmont (Fl) Bianca (Fl) Big Bertha (Fl) Big Chile Big John (Fl) Big Red (OP) Biscayne (Fl) Blackbird (Fl) Blockbuster (Fl) Blue Jay (Fl) Bomby (Fl) Bonita (Fl) Boynton Bell (Fl) Bulgarian Sweetie (Fl) CA 12 (Fl) California Wonder 300 (OP) California Wonder PS (OP) Caloro PS (OP) Calwonder (OP) Camelot (Fl) Camelot X3R (Fl) Variety type Bell (G-R) Bell (G-R) Bell (G-Y) Bell (G-Y) Bell (G-P-R) Anaheim Anaheim Ancho Ancho Ancho Ancho Cubanelle Banana Bell (G-R) Bell (G-R) Bell Bell (G-R) Bell (G-R) Bell (G-R) Bell (G-R) Bell Bell (W-R) Bell (G-R) Anaheim Bell (G-R) Bell (G-R) Cubanelle Bell (G-Bk-R) Bell (G-R) Bell (Pu) Bell (G-R) Bell (G-R) Bell (G-R) Banana Cubanelle Bell (G-R) Bell (G-R) Hot Bell (G-R) Bell (G-R) Bell (G-R) Seed source Rupp Stokes Sandoz Rogers Petoseed Rupp Harris Seeds, Rupp Petoseed, Stokes Rupp Rupp Rupp Petoseed Sandoz Rogers Petoseed D. Palmer Seed Co. Petoseed Vilmorin Petoseed Petoseed Harris Seeds Sandoz Rogers Asgrow Rupp Stokes Petoseed Harris Seeds Rupp Petoseed, Stokes Stokes Stokes Stokes Sandoz Rogers Rupp Harris Seeds Rupp Shamrock Petoseed Petoseed, Stokes Petoseed Harris Seeds Petoseed, Stokes Petoseed continued Varieties for the Alabama Vegetable Industry and the Southeast 53 TABLE 30. INDEX OF PEPPER VARIETIES, CONT. Rating Variety name Canada-Cheese (OP) Canape (Fl) Canary (Fl) Capistrano (OP) Cardinal (Fl) Cascabella PS (OP) Castor Cayenne Golden (OP) Cayenne Large Red Thick (OP) Cayenne Long Slim (OP) Charleston Hot (OP) Cherry Bomb (F1) Cherry Sweet (OP) Chilancho (Fl) Chili Grande (OP) Chiltepin (OP) China Express (OP) Choco (Fl) Chocolate Baby (OP) Chocolate Beauty (Fl) Chocolate Bell (Fl) Clovis (Fl) Commandant (Fl) Copacabana (Fl) Cordoba (Fl) Corno di Toro (OP) Crimson Hot (OP) Cuban (OP) Cubanelle (OP) Delicias (Fl) Diablo Grande (Fl) Diamond (OP) Domino (Fl) Dove (Fl) E 123 (Fl) E 417 (Fl) Early Calwonder (OP) Early Jalapeno (OP) Early Niagara Giant Early Scotch Bonnet (OP) Elisa (Fl) Emerald Giant (OP) Emerald Isle (Fl) Enterprise (Fl) Espana (Fl) Excalibur (Fl) Fajita Bell Figaro (Fl) Firenza (Fl1) Flamingo (Fl) Foulki (Fl) Galaxy (Fl) Gator Belle (Fl) Giant Anacongua (OP) Giant Szegedi Goldcoast (Fl) Golden Arrow (Fl1) Golden Bell (Fl) Variety type Pimento Bell (G-R) Bell (G-Y) Bell (G-R) Bell (G-R) Hungarian Wax Bell (G-R) Cayenne Cayenne Cayenne Cayenne Cherry Cherry Ancho Chili Chili Hot Bell (G-B) Cherry Bell (G-B-R) Bell (G-B-R) Bell (G-R) Bell (G-R) Yellow Wax Bell (G-R) Cubanelle Hot Cubanelle Cubanelle Jalapeno Hot Banana Bell (W-R) Bell Bell (W) Bell (G-R) Bell (G-R) Bell (G-R) Jalapeno Bell (G-R) Habanero Bell (G-R) Bell (G-R) Bell (G-R) Bell (G-R) Bell (G-R) Bell Hot Bell (G-R) Bell (G-R) Hot Bell (W-R) Bell Bell (G-R) Bell (G-R) Cubanelle Bell (Y-O) Bell (G-Y) Banana Bell (G-Y) Seed source Stokes Harris Seeds Stokes Petoseed, Stokes Stokes Petoseed D. Palmer Seed Co. Rupp Petoseed Petoseed Harris Seeds Petoseed, Stokes Petoseed, Stokes Stokes Stokes Rupp Rupp Rupp Rupp Petoseed Stokes Rupp Rupp Harris Seeds Sandoz Rogers Rupp Stokes Asgrow Petoseed, Stokes Petoseed Stokes Rupp Asgrow Stokes Vilmorin RP Vilmorin Asgrow Petoseed Stokes Stokes Sandoz Rogers, Sto Petoseed Harris Seeds Rupp, Asgrow Harris Seeds Petoseed Petoseed Rupp Sandoz Rogers Harris Seeds Vilmorin Sandoz Rogers, Sto Petoseed Rupp Stokes Rupp, Asgrow Stokes Petoseed continued ** ** ** ** ** Ca~ Ca\ Hul Eel Ca' Che Ch~ Anl Chi Chi Ho Eel Che Eel Eel Eel Eel Yel Eel Cul Ho Cu Cu Jal Ho Be: Be Be Be *** ** *** * I ----. 54 Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station TABLE 30. INDEX OF PEPPER VARIETIES, CONT. Rating Variety name Golden Calwonder (OP) Golden Cayenne (OP) Golden Summer (Fl) Gold Finch (Fl) Gold King (Fl) Grande (Fl) Guantanamo (Fl) Guardian (Fl) Gusto (Fl) Gypsy (Fl) Habanero (OP) Habanero Red (OP) Hercules (Fl) Honeybelle (F1l) Hot Portugal (OP) Hot Stuff Hybrid (Fl) Huasteco (OP) Hungarian Heat (Fl) Hungarian Sweet Wax (OP) Hungarian Yellow Wax Hot (OP) Hybrid 860 (Fl) Indra (Fl) Inferno (Fl) Issa (Fl) Italica (Fl) Ivory (Fl) Ivory Banana (Fl) Jalapa (Fl) Jalapeno (OP) Jalapeno M (OP) Jalepe Mild (Fl) Jamaica Gold (OP) Jamaica Red (OP) Jetta (Fl) Jezebelle (F1l) Jingle Bells (Fl) Jupiter (OP) Key Largo (Fl) Keystone Resistant Giant (OP) Keystone Resistant Giant 3 (OP) King Arthur (Fl) Klondike Bell (Fl) La Bamba (Fl) Lady Bell (Fl) Lantern (F1l) Laparie (F1l) Large Red Cherry (OP) Lemon King (Fl) Lilac (Fl) Lisbon (F1l) Long Red Cayenne (OP) Louis Mandarin (Fl) Maor Marconi (OP) Variety type Bell (G-Y) Cayenne Bell Bell (W-R) Bell (G-Y) Large Jalapeno Cubanelle Bell (G-R) Bell (G-R) Bell Habanero Habanero Bell (G-R) Bell (G-Y) Cayenne Hot Serrano Hot Wax Yellow Wax Yellow Wax Bell (G-Y) Bell (G-R) Banana Bell (G-R) Italian Bell (W) Banana Jalapeno Jalapeno Jalapeno Jalapeno Hot Hot Bell (G-R) Bell (G-R) Bell (G-R) Bell (G-R) Cubanelle Bell (G-R) Bell (G-R) Bell (G-R) Bell (G-Y-O) Bell (G-R) Bell (G-R) Bell (G-R) Ramshorn Cherry Bell Bell (P-R) Cayenne Bell (G-R) Bell (G-O) Bell (G-R) Italian (R or Y) Seed source Petoseed Stokes Petoseed Stokes Stokes Petoseed Stokes Sandoz Rogers Ferry-Morse Petoseed Petoseed, Stokes Petoseed Stokes Harris Seeds Harris Seeds, Stokes Stokes Petoseed Rupp Petoseed Petoseed, Stokes Sandoz Rogers Sandoz Rogers Petoseed, Stokes Shamrock Rupp Sandoz Rogers Stokes Petoseed Asgrow, Stokes Petoseed Rupp Rupp Rupp Shamrock Ferry-Morse Harris Seeds Harris Seeds, Stokes Harris Seeds Petoseed Asgrow Petoseed, Stokes Stokes Harris Seeds Harris Seeds Enza Zaden Stokes Harris Seeds, Stokes Stokes Sandoz Rogers Petoseed Stokes D. Palmer Seed Co. Rupp D. Palmer Seed Co. Rupp continued ** ** ** ** ** *** * ** I .I~~eneiieirii D~iriu-~~ Vnr1;1P fnr the- Alnhni--ecethieTnll tr ad the -ntheac 55 i Rating TABLE 30. INDEX OF PEPPER VARIETIES, CONT. Variety name Marengo (Fl) Market Sweet Marquis (Fl) Martindale III (Fl) Matador (Fl) Mavris (Fl) Mayata (Fl) Melito (Fl) Melody (Fl) Memphis (Fl) Mereed TMR (OP) Mercury (OP) Merlin (Fl) Mesilla (Fl) Mexibell Improved (Fl) Midway (OP) Mint Julip (Fl) Mitla (Fl) Mulato (OP) Mulato Isleno (OP) Navarone (Fl) New Ace (Fl) North Star (Fl) Nu Mex Joe B Parker (OP) Ole (OP) Orange Grande (Fl) Orange King (Fl) Orange Sun (OP) Ori (F) Oriole (Fl) Orohelle (Fl) Papri Ace (Fl) Papri King (OP) Papri Mild II Papri Queen (OP) Pasilla Bajio (OP) Pepperoncini (OP) (Fl) *5' ** ** *5 ** ** *5' Petite Sirah Peto Wonder (P 1) (Fl) Pimiento Elite (Fl) ** Pimiento L (OP) Pip (OP) PP3135 (Fl) Predi (Fl1) Pretty Purple (OP) PS 204490 (Fl1) PS 210388 (Fl) PS 235392 (P1) ** PS 264391 (Fl) Purple Beauty (OP) Purple King (P 1) Queen (Fl) Ranger (Fl) Red Bahy (OP) Red Chenry Large (OP) Red Chili (OP) Red Dawn (FlI) Variety type_ Bell (G Y) Banana Bell (G-R) Bell (G-R) Bell (G-Y) Bell (P) Bell (G-R) Bell Bell Bell (G-R) Bell (G-R) Bell Bell (G-R) Cayenne Bell, (G-R) Hot Bell (G-R) Bell Jalapeno Anicho Ancho Ramshorn Bell (G-R) Bell (G-R) Hot Jalapeno Bell (G-0) Bell (G-0) Bell (G-0) Bell (0-Y) Bell (0-0) Bell (G-Y) Paprika Paprika Paprika Paprika Cayenne Italian Bell Bell Pimento Pimiento Bell Bell (G-R) Bell (G-R) (Purple Flowers) Jalapeno Cayenne Bell (0 Y) Bell (0-R) Bell (G-Bk) Bell (P) Bell 0) (G Bell (G-R) Bell (0-R) Cherry Chili Bell (0-R) Seed source Asgrow Rupp Sandoz Rogers Stokes Sandoz Rogers Rupp Petoseed, Stokes Petoseed Asgrow Sandoz Rogers Rupp Petoseed Petoseed, Stokes Petoseed, Stokes Rupp Petoseed, Stokes Rupp Petoseed, Stokes Rupp Petoseed Stokes Harris Seeds Petoseed, Stokes Ropp Ropp Stokes Stokes Rupp Vilmorin Stokes Sandoz Rogers Petoseed Petoseed Petoseed Petoseed Petoseed Ropp Petoseed Petoseed Petoseed Petoseed Asgrow Rupp Vilmorin Harris Seeds Petoseed Petoseed Petoseed Petoseed Petoseed Stokes Rupp Asgrow Rupp Petoseed Rupp Stokes continued I raallla \vi I ualiv Layc~iiiic~ 56 Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station TABLE 30. INDEX OF PEPPER VARIETIES, CONT. Rating Variety name Redstart (Fl) Redwing (Fl) Reinger (Fl) Renegade (Fl) Resistant Giant #4 (OP) Ring of Fire (OP) Robin (Fl) Romanian Sweet (OP) Rumanian Hot (OP) Santa Fe Grande (OP) Scarlet King (Fl) Scotch Bonnet (OP) Senorita (Fl) Sentinel (Fl) Sentry (Fl) Serrano Chili (OP) Serrano Tampinqueno (OP) Sierra Fuego (Fl) Variety type Bell (G-R) Bell (G-R) Bell (G-R) Bell (G-R) Bell (G-R) Cayenne Bell (G-R) Yellow Wax Yellow Wax Jalapeno Bell (G-R) Scotch Bonnet Jalapeno Bell (G-R) Bell (G-R) Serrano Serrano Jalapeno Cayenne Sizzler (Fl) Bell Skipper (Fl) Ramshorn Sofia (Fl) Bell (G-R) Soni (Fl) Anaheim Sonora (OP) Cubanelle Spanish Spice (Fl) Banana Sugar Banana (Fl) Bell (G-Y) Sunbright (OP) Cayenne Super Cayenne (Fl) Cayenne Super Cayenne II (Fl) Chili Super Chili (Fl) Super Greygo Hybrid (Fl) Pimento Super Hungarian Hot (Fl) Hungarian Wax Pimento Super Red Pimento (Fl) Bell (G-R) Super Set (Fl) Ramshorn Super Shepherd (Fl) Bell (G-Y) Super Stuff (Fl) Super Sweet Banana (Fl) Banana Banana Sweet Banana (OP) Cherry Sweet Cherry (OP) Bell Sweet Giant (Fl) Banana Sweet Hungarian (OP) Hungarian Wax Szentesi Semi Hot (OP) Tabasco Tabasco (OP) Jalapeno Tam Jalapeno #1 (OP) Jalapeno Tam Vera Cruz (OP) Bell (G-Y) Tarog Bell (G) Taurus (OP) Bell (P) Tequila (F1l) Cayenne Thai Hot (OP) Bell Tres Rios (Fl) Hot Trinidad (OP) Bell (G-R) Trojan Bell (G-R) Ultra Set (Fl) Bell (G-O) Valencia (F1l) Bell (G-R) Valiant (Fl) Bell (G-R) Variety #830 (Fl) Bell (G-R) Variety #840 (Fl) Bell (G-Y) Variety #860 (Fl) Bell (G-R) Variety #870 (Fl) Seed source Stokes Stokes Sandoz Rogers Rupp Petoseed Stokes Stokes Rupp Harris Seeds Petoseed Stokes Rupp Harris Seeds Sandoz Rogers Rupp Petoseed Rupp Hollar Harris Seeds Asgrow Stokes Vilmorin Petoseed Petoseed Stokes Rupp Rupp Petoseed Petoseed Stokes Stokes Stokes Stokes Stokes Stokes Stokes Petoseed Rupp Rupp Stokes Stokes Rupp Petoseed Petoseed D. Palmer Seed Co. Rupp Rupp Harris Seeds Petoseed Rupp Shamrock Stokes Sandoz Rogers Petoseed Abbott & Cobb Abbott & Cobb Abbott & Cobb Abbott & Cobb continued ** ** ** ** ** I ---~------~~---- ------------ \--/ Varieties for the Alabama Vegetable Industry and the Southeast 57 Varieties for the Alabama Ve.etable Industry and the Southea Rating Variety name Variety #880 (Fl) Variety #890 (Fl) Verdel (Fl) Vidi (Fl) Vulcano (Fl) White Fire (Fl) White King (Fl) Whopper Improved (Fl) Wizzard X3R (Fl) Yellow Baby (OP) Yellow Belle Yellow (CheesePimento Yoel Yolo Wonder A (OF) Yolo Wonder B (OF) Yolo Wonder L (OF) TABLE 30. INDEX OF PEPPER VARIETIES, CONT. Variety type Seed source Abbott & Cobb Bell (G-R) Abbott & Cobb Bell (G-R) Sandoz Rogers Bell (G-R) Rupp, Vilmorin Bell (G-R) Ropp Hot Wax Stokes Jalapeno Stokes Bell (W) Sandoz Rogers Bell (G-R) Rupp, Petoseed Bell (G-R) Rupp Bell (G-Y) Stokes Bell (G-Y) Pimento Stokes D. Palmer Seed Co. Bell (0-Y) Petoseed Bell (G-R) Petoseed Bell (G-R) Asgrow Bell (G-R) * ** outstonding, ond **** superior;Co/or Ratings: = not evaluoted, o = not suited, * odopted, **= good, ** purple, R= red, W= white, andY= yellow =B = brown, Bk= block, G =green, 0= orange, Piu Rating *5* * *5* * ** ** **Casper *5 *5* * *** ** * * ** ** ** * * *** ** TABLE 31. INDEX OF PUMPKIN VARIETIES Variety type (lb.) Variety name 25-30 Appalachian (Fl) 25-20 Aspen (Fl) 100+ Atlantic Giant (OF) Autumn Gold (Fl) 10-12 Baby Bear (OF) Baby Boo (OF) 2-4 Baby Pam (OF) 15-20 BigAutumn (Fl) 50-100 Big Max (OF) 40 200 Big Moon (OF) 12 Buckskin (Fl) 10-20 (white) (O) Cinderella(OF) 15-20 Connecticut Field (OF) 15-25 Dill's Atlantic Giant (OF) 100+ Early Autumn (OF) 10-14 6-8 Early Sweet Sugar(OP) 15 Fairytale (OF) Fat Boy (OP) 15-25 15-20 Frosty (Fl) 10-12 Funny Face (OF) 15-25 Gbost Rider (OF) 20-35 Gold Rush (OF) 15-22 Gold Strike (Fl) 14-lb Half Moon (OF) 10-12 Happy Jack (OF) 10-18 Harvest Moon (OF) Howden (OF) 20-25 Howden Biggie (OF) 35-50 0.25 Jack-Be-Little (OF) 0.25 Jack-Be-Quik (OF) 15-20 Jack of All Trades (FlI) 10 Jack O'Lantern (OF) Jackpot (Fl) 10-12 Jumpin JackTM 20-40 1-2 Little Lantern (OF) I Seed source Stokes Stokes, Hollar Harris Seeds, Stokes Sandoz Rogers Rupp Stokes Harris Seeds Sandoz Rogers Harris Seeds, Asgrow Rupp Rupp Rupp, Shamrock Vilmorin Stokes, Asgrow Rupp Rupp Sandoz Rogers Rupp Shamrock Stokes Rupp Stokes, Shamrock Rupp Rupp Rupp Petoseed Rupp Harris Seeds, Stokes Harris Seeds Stokes Rupp Stokes Rupp, Asgrow Harris Seeds Rupp Stokes continued 58 58 TABLE 31. INDEX OF PUMPKIN Alabama AlabaaAxclua CONT. Agricultural Experiment Eprmn Station tto VARIETIES, Rating Variety name Lumina (OF) Mammoth Gold (OP) Mother Lode ** (Fl) Munehkin (OP) *5* ** *5* ** Mystic Oz(F1) Pankow's Field (OP) Peek-A-Boo (Fl) (Fl) *** ** *5* ** ** ** Prizewinner (Fl) Small Sugar (OP) Spirit (F1) Spookie (OP) Spooklacular (Fl) SugarTrea(F1) * *** ** Sweetie Pie (OP) Taliman (OP) Thomas Holloween (OP) Trick-or- Treat (OP) Trickster (OP) Triple Treat (OP) Variety #300 * ** (Fl) Variety #500 (Fl) Variety #510 (Fl) *5* *5* Wizard (Fl) Young's Beauty (OP) Ratins:ot evluate, o not--sie, * aatd = *** Raigs ntevlatd o=nt ute,* datd,* Variety type (while) 10-15 20-24 11-25 0.25 5-10 3-5 15-20 3-5 50-100 6-7 15-20 5-6 3-5 3 0.25 15-30 15-30 10-12 2-3 4-6 16-20 20-24 20-24 10-15 8-10 eo,** 5 god,** Seed source Harris Seeds, Stokes Rupp Rupp Harris Seeds Harris Seeds Harris Seeds Harris Seeds Sandoz Rogers Harris Seeds Harris Seeds, Asgrow Stokes Harris Seeds Harris Seeds, Stokes Rupp Stokes Stokes Rupp Rupp Rupp Rupp Ahhott & Cobh, Rupp Ahhott & Cohh, Rupp Ahhott & Cohh, Rupp Harris Seeds Rupp -spr otsadnad*k =oustndng ad ** =suero Varieties for the Alabama Vegetable Industry and the Southeast TABLE 32. INDEX OF SOUTHERNPEAN VARIETIES Rating Variety name AUBE Bettergreen Bettergrow Blackeye California Blackeye #5 California Blackeye #46 California Blackeye #88 Carolina Cream Carolina Crowder Carolina Sugar Clemson Purple Colossus 80 Corona 59 Coronet C.T. Dimpled Brown Crowder C.T. Pinkeye Purplehull C.T. Tennessee White Crowder Freezgreen Genegreen Giant Blackeye (90-M-INC) Giant Blackeye-BVR Green Acre Kiawah Mississippi Cream Mississippi Pinkeye Mississippi Purple Mississippi Shipper Mississippi Silver Pinkeye Pinkpod Pinkeye Purplehull-BVR Pinkeye Purplehull-GSC Royal Blackeye Sa-Dandy Santee Early Pinkeye Texas Pinkeye Worthmore Rains Raigs - Zipper Cream o vlatd o sie,* oteauae, otsied aape,* =aate,* Variety type Blackeye Cream Blackeye Blackeye Blackeye Blackeyc Cream Crowder Crowder Crowder Crowder Pinkeye Pinkeye Crowder Pinkeye Crowder Cream Blackeye Blackeye Blackeye Cream Pinkeye Cream Pinkeye Crowder Crowder Crowder Pinkeye Pinkeye Pinkeye Blackeye Cream Pinkeye Pinkeye Crowder Cream oolottndnad5** = od **=ousadng Seed source Auburn U. U.S. Vegetable Lab U.S. Vegetable Lab Local Retail U. of California U. of California U.S. Vegetable Lab U.S. Vegetable Lab Great Plains Res. Clemson U. U.S. Vegetable Lab Ga. Seed Dev. Comin. Montgomery Seed Peas, Inc. Peas, Inc. Peas, Inc. Auburn U. Auburn U. Auburn U. Auburn U. Western Seed Multipl. U.S. Vegetable Lab Wax Seed Co. Wax Seed Co. Wax Seed Co. Wax Seed Co. Local Retail Montgomery Seed Ga. Seed Dev. Comm. Westerm Seed Multipl. Louisiana State U. Peas, Inc. U.S. Vegetable Lab Texas A&M U. Ga. Seed Dev. Comm. Wax Seed Co. spro n ** spro 60 Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station Rating(N/S)* **/* ***/*** ***/** TABLE 33. INDEX OF TOMATO VARIETIES Variety name Variety type Acclaim (Fl) Fresh Market Ace 55 VF (OP) Fresh Market Affirm (Fl) Fresh Market Fresh Market Agora (Fl) Allegro (Fl) Processing Novelty Allure (OP) Amanna Orange (OP) Fresh Market, Garden (orange) Garden Amish Paste (OP) Arkansas Traveler (OP) Fresh Market, Garden (pink) Atomic (Fl) Fresh Market Azoychka (OP) Garden (yellow) Roma Aztec (F1l) Fresh Market, Garden (yellow) Banana Legs (OP) Cherry Bar 123 Fresh Market Basket Vee (OP) Fresh Market Beef King (Fl) Fresh Market Beefmaster VFN (Fl) Beefsteak (OP) Garden Processing Bellestar (OP) Better Boy (Fl) Fresh Market, Garden Fresh Market Big Beef VFNT (Fl) Garden Big Boy (Fl) Garden Big Girl (Fl) Fresh Market, Garden (purple) Black Prince (OP) Greenhouse Boa (F1) Fresh Market Bonita (Fl) Garden Bonny Best (OP) Bonny Best Improved (OP) Fresh Market Brandywine Fresh Market Fresh Market, Garden (yellow) Brandywine Yellow (OP) Garden Burpee Long Keeper (OP) Fresh Market, Garden Burpee's Big Boy (Fl) Fresh Market Burpee Supersteak (Fl) Processing Brigade (Fl) Saladette Brixy (Fl) Bush 506 (OP) Fresh Market, Garden Fresh Market Bush Beefsteak (OP) Fresh Market Cal-Ace (OP) All Purpose Campbell 1327 (OP) Capri (Fl) Roma Fresh Market Carnival (Fl) Greenhouse Caruso (Fl) Fresh Market Celebrity (Fl) Fresh Market Celebrity Supreme (OP) Cencara (F1l) Saladette Centurion (F1l) Processing Cherry (yellow) Chello (F1l) Fresh Market (burgundy) Cherokee Purple Cherry Cherry Express II (Fl) Cherry (yellow) Cherry Gold (Fl) Fresh Market, Cherry Cherry Grande (Fl) Cherry Cherry King (Fl) Cherry (pink) Cherry Pink (Fl) Fresh Market Cobia (Fl) Fresh Market Cobra (F1l) Fresh Market Colonial (Fl) Fresh Market Conquest (Fl) Fresh Market Contessa (Fl) I DUSII IVT) 3VU rlt~SII LVI~IKT Seed source Sakata Petoseed Sakata Vilmorin Asgrow Stokes Rupp Rupp Rupp Sakata Rupp Petoseed, Stokes Rupp D. Palmer Seed Co. Stokes Harris Seeds Stokes Rupp Stokes Petoseed, Stokes Stokes Rupp Rupp Rupp Stokes Sandoz Rogers Rupp Petoseed Harris Seeds Rupp Rupp Petoseed Harris Seeds Asgrow Sandoz Rogers Rupp Stokes Petoseed Petoseed, Stokes Stokes Petoseed Stokes Petoseed, Stokes Rupp Stokes Asgrow Harris Seeds Harris Seeds Stokes Stokes Petoseed, Stokes Sandoz Rogers Stokes Sandoz Rogers Vilmorin Petoseed Sandoz Rogers Petoseed continued Varieties for the Alabama Vegetable Industry and the Southeast 61 TABLE 33. INDEX OF TOMATO VARIETIES, CONT. Rating (N/S)* ***/*** Variety name Coronado Bay Daybreak (Fl) Variety type Fresh Market Fresh Market Delicious (OP) Del Oro (Fl) Diva (F1) Doly (F1) Dona (Fl) Duke (Fl) Earligirl (Fl) Early Cascade (Fl) Earlypear (F1) Empire (F1) Enchantment (Fl) Evergreen (OP) Fa 138/8 Fantastic (Fl) Favori First Lady (F1) First Lady II (Fl) First Pik (Fl) Flash (Fl) Flavor King (Fl) Flavor More 210 (F1) Flora-Dade (OP) Floramerica (Fl) Florasette (F1) */* * Florida 47 (F1) Garden Fresh Market Fresh Market Fresh Market Fresh Market Fresh Market Garden Fresh Market Processing Fresh Market Fresh Market Fresh Market, Garden (green) Cherry Fresh Market Fresh Market Garden Fresh Market, Garden Fresh Market Fresh Market Fresh Market Fresh Market Fresh Market Fresh Market Fresh Market Fresh Market Fortaleza (Fl) Furon (Fl) German Johnson (OP) Glamour (OP) Golden Boy (Fl) Gold Nugget (OP) Grande Rose VFT (Fl) Graziella Great White (OP) Green Grape (OP) Green Zebra (OP) Hadas Harvestvee (OP) Heatmaster (Fl1) Heatwave (Fl1) Heinz 1350 (OP) Heinz 1439 (OP) Heinz 1765 (OP) Homestead 24 (OP) Homestead 500 (OP) House Tough Boy (OP) Humaya (Fl) Husk Cherry (OP) Husky Cherry Gold (Fl) Husky Cherry Red (Fl) Husky Gold (Fl) Husky Pink (Fl) Husky Red (Fl) Hybrid 896 (Fl) Hypack 2409 (Fl) Hypeel 45 (Fl) Fresh Market Greenhouse Fresh Market, Garden (pink) Fresh Market Fresh Market, Garden Cherry (yellow) Fresh Market (pink) Fresh Market Fresh Market (white) Fresh Market, Garden (yellow) Fresh Market, Garden (green) Fresh Market Fresh Market Fresh Market Fresh Market Processing Processing Processing Fresh Market Fresh Market Greenhouse Fresh Market Cherry Cherry Cherry Fresh Market (yellow) Fresh Market, Garden Fresh Market, Garden Processing Processing Processing I vi~il rrlllr~ \vi I Seed source D. Palmer Seed Co. Petoseed Rupp Harris Seeds Sandoz Rogers Vilmorin Vilmorin Petoseed Rupp Petoseed Petoseed Petoseed Petoseed Rupp D. Palmer Seed Co. Stokes Shamrock Rupp Petoseed Harris Seeds Asgrow Sandoz Rogers Rupp Petoseed Petoseed Asgrow Asgrow Sandoz Rogers Stokes Rupp Harris Seeds, Stokes Petoseed Rupp Stokes D. Palmer Seed Co. Harris Seeds Rupp Rupp D. Palmer Seed Co. Stokes Petoseed Petoseed Stokes Petoseed, Stokes Stokes Petoseed Petoseed Rupp Asgrow Petoseed Petoseed Petoseed Petoseed, Stokes Petoseed Petoseed, Stokes Asgrow Petoseed Petoseed continued 62 62 TABLE 33. INDEX OF TOMATO Alabama AlabaaArclua Agricultural Experiment Eprmn Station tto VARIETIES, CONT. Rating _Variety name Hypeel 108 Hypeel 136 __ -_ Variety type Procetsing Procesting Processing Processing Processing Processing Processing Fresb Market Fresb Market Fresh Market Fresb Market Greenbouse Fresh Market Greenhouse Fresb Market Fresb Market (yellow) Saladette Fresb Market Roma Roma Fresb Market Fresh Market Fresb Market Fresb Market Fresh Market Fresh Market Fresb Market, Roma Fresb Market Processing Fresb Market, Garden Fresh Market Garden (pink) Cberry Fresb Market Fresb Market Fresb Market (orange) Fresb Market Fresh Market Fresb Market Fresb Market (yellow, red) Garden (orange) Processing Processing Processing Fresb Market Cberry Saladette Processing Fresb Market (yellow, red) Fresb Market Fresb Market Fresb Market (orange) Garden Garden Fresb Market Processing Fresb Market Seed source Petoseed Petoseed Petoseed Petoseed Petoseed Petoseed Petoseed Rupp Harris Seeds Rupp, Vilmorin Petoseed Stokes Petoseed Vilmorin D. Palmer Seed Co. Petoseed, Stokes Sandoz Rogers Sandoz Rogers Stokes Harris Seeds Rupp Stokes Petoseed Sakata Harris Seeds Harris Seeds Petoseed Sandoz Rogers, Stokes Stokes Petoseed Rupp Rupp Sandoz Rogers Petoseed Stokes Sandoz Rogers, Stokes Petoseed, Stokes Sandoz Rogers, Stokes Rupp, Asgrow Harris Seeds Rupp Petoseed Petoseed Petoseed Harrds Seeds, Stokes Stokes Sandoz Rogers Petoseed Harris Seeds Harris Seeds Petoseed Stokes Rupp Rupp Petoseed Asgrow Asgrow (Fl) (Fl) *1* ***/*** Hypee 153 (Fl) Hypeel 287 (Fl) Hypeel 562 (Fl) Hypee 696 (Fl) Hypeel 2196 (Fl) Jackpot (OP) Jet Star (Fl) Joker (Fl) Jubilee (OP) Jumbo (Fl) Kada (Fl) Kyndia (Fl) Laurina Lemon Boy (Fl) Lerica (Fl) Lucia (Fl) Luncb Box (Fl) Macero II (Fl) Majesty (Fl) Manitoba (OP) Marglobe PS (OP) Marina (Fl) Market Pride Max (Fl) Maya (Fl) Merced (Fl) MH 6203 (OP) Monte Carlo (Fl) Monte Verde (OP) Mortgage Lifter (OP) (Fl) * 5/55** Mountain Belle (Fl) * */*** */* */* **5/** *5*/* Mountain Deligbt (Fl) Mountain Fresb (Fl) Mountain Gold (OP) Mountain Pride (Fl) Mountain Spring (Fl) */ Mountain Supreme (Fl) Mr. Stripey (OP) Nebratka Wedding (OP) Nema 512 (Fl) Nema 1401 (Fl) Nema 1435 Niagra Belle (Fl) New Yorker (OP) (Fl) NVH 4476 (Fl) Obio 7870 (OP) Old German (OP) Ole' (Fl1) Olympic (Fl) o/o Orange Queen (OP) Oregon Spring (OP) Oxbeart (OP) P-19 (OP) Pacbeco (Fl) Pacific (Fl1) L*LVULILUIII U~~IU I~III 11~11II I111111\~L I\~L Ullr Varieties for the Alabama Vegetable Industry and the Southeast 63 Rating (N/S)* * */* **/*** */* **/** i TABLE 33. INDEX OF TOMATO VARIETIES, CONT. Variety name Variety type Seed source Patio (Fl) Garden Petoseed, Stokes Persimmon (OP) Fresh Market (pink) Harris Seeds Peto 81 (OP) Processing Petoseed Peto 95-43 (OP) Processing Petoseed Peto 98 (OP) Processing Petoseed Peto 111 (OP) Processing Petoseed Peto 343 (OP) Processing Petoseed Pik Ripe 193 (Fl) Fresh Market, LSL Petoseed Pik Ripe 747 (Fl) Fresh Market, LSL Petoseed Pik Ripe 748 (Fl) Fresh Market, LSL Petoseed Pik Rite (F1l) Fresh Market Harris Seeds Pilgrim (Fl) Fresh Market Petoseed Pink Girl (Fl) Fresh Market, Garden Petoseed Plum Dandy (Fl) Roma,Saladette Rupp Plum Lemon (OP) Garden (yellow) Rupp Ponderosa Pink (OP) Garden (pink) Rupp Primetime (Fl) Fresh Market Harris Seeds Principe Borghese (OP) Garden Rupp Prudens Purple (OP) Garden (dark pink) Rupp PS 8266 (Fl) Fresh Market Petoseed PS537291 (Fl) Fresh Market Rupp Puebla (Fl) Saladette Petoseed Quick Pick (Fl) Fresh Market Sandoz Rogers Red Cherry Large (OP) Fresh Market, Cherry Petoseed Red Cherry Small (OP) Fresh Market, Cherry Petoseed Red Currant (OP) Fresh Market Harris Seeds Red Gold Stripe (OP) Garden Rupp Red Pear (OP) Garden Rupp Red Rider (Fl) Fresh Market Rupp Redstone (Fl) Fresh Market Stokes Rio Colorado (OP) Processing Petoseed Rio Grande (OP) Processing Petoseed Rio Grande (OP) Fresh Market Petoseed Roadside Red (Fl) Fresh Market Stokes Roma (Fl) Fresh Market, Garden Rupp Roma VF (OP) Roma Harris Seeds, Petoseed, Stokes Rutgers 39 (OP) Fresh Market Harris Seeds Salsa (Fl) Fresh Market Vilmorin San Marzano (OP) Processing Stokes Santa Fe (Fl) Saladette Sandoz Rogers Santiago (Fl) Fresh Market Sandoz Rogers Sausalito (Fl) Processing Petoseed Scarlet Express (F1l) Fresh Market Stokes Scotia (OP) Fresh Market Stokes Shirley Fresh Market D. Palmer Seed Co. Sierra (Fl) Processing Asgrow Small Fry VFN (Fl) Cherry Petoseed, Stokes Solar Set (Fl) Fresh Market Asgrow Spectrum 385 (Fl) Roma Petoseed Spectrum 579 (Fl) Roma Petoseed Spectrum 882 (Fl) Roma Petoseed, Stokes Springset VF (Fl) Fresh Market Petoseed Spitfire (Fl) Fresh Market Stokes Springfield (Fl) Fresh Market Rupp, Ferry-Morse Square Paste (OP) Roma Stokes Stakeless (OP) Fresh Market Stokes Starfire (OP) Fresh Market Stokes continued 64 Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station TABLE 33. INDEX OF TOMATO VARIETIES, CONT. Rating (n/s)* Variety name STM 5206 (Fl) Stripy - Hillbilly (OP) Sub Arctic Maxi (OP) Summerpink (F1) Summerset (F1) Sunbeam (F1) Sunbelt (F1) Sunbrite (F1) Sun Gem (Fl) Sunleaper (Fl) Sunmaster (Fl) Sunny (F1) Sunpride (Fl) Sunrise (F1) Super Bush (F1) Super Marzano (Fl) Supersonic (F1) Supersweet 100 (Fl) Supersweet 100 VF (Fl) Sweet 100 (Fl) Sweet Chelsea (Fl1) Sweet Cherry (Fl) Sweet Gold (Fl) Sweet Million (Fl) Sweet Orange (Fl) Sweetie (OP) Tango (Fl) Thessaloniki (OP) Tigrette Cherry (Fl1) Tiny Tim (OP) Tomatillo, Verde Puebla (OP) Tomatillo, Toma Verde (OP) Tootsie (Fl) Toro (Fl) Trend (F1l) Tres-Rios (Fl) Trust (F1l) UC 82-L (OP) Ultra Boy VFN (Fl) Ultra Girl VFN (Fl) Ultra Magnum VFT (Fl) Ultra Pink VFT (Fl) Ultrasonic VFT (F1l) Ultra Sweet VFT (F1l) V 104 (Fl) Veeroma (OP) Vendor VFT (OP) Vered Veronica VF 6203 (OP) Viva Italia (Fl) Window Box (OP) Yaqui (Fl) Yellow Brandywine Yellow Currant Yellow Pear (OP) Yellow Stuffer (Fl) Variety type Fresh Market Garden (stripe d) Fresh Market Fresh Market Fresh Market Fresh Market Fresh Market Fresh Market Fresh Market Fresh Market Fresh Market Fresh Market Fresh Market Fresh Market Fresh Market Roma Fresh Market Cherry Cherry Cherry Cherry Cherry Cherry (yellov w) Cherry Cherry (orang e) Fresh Market Fresh Market Fresh Market, Garden Cherry Fresh Market Fresh Market Fresh Market Cherry Saladette Greenhouse Fresh Market Greenhouse Processing Fresh Market Fresh Market Fresh Market Fresh Market (pink) Fresh Market Fresh Market Roma Processing Greenhouse Fresh Market Fresh Market Processing Roma Cherry Roma Fresh Market (yellow) Fresh Market (yellow) Fresh Market (yellow) Novelty (yellow) Seed source Sakata Rupp Stokes Stokes Stokes Asgrow, Stokes Petoseed Rupp, Asgrow Rupp Rupp Petoseed Asgrow Rupp, Asgrow Asgrow, Stokes Sandoz Rogers Rupp Harris Seeds Harris Seeds Sandoz Rogers Stokes Stokes Petoseed Stokes Stokes Stokes Petoseed Sandoz Rogers Rupp Stokes Petoseed, Stokes Petoseed Petoseed Harris Seeds Ferry-Morse Stokes Asgrow Stokes Petoseed Stokes Stokes Stokes Stokes Stokes Stokes Vilmorin Stokes Stokes D. Palmer Seed Co. Sakata Petoseed Petoseed Rupp Petoseed Harris Seeds Harris Seeds Petoseed Stokes */* I Irerlu Irr, ult~t~rllluuat: *(N/S) = North Alabama/South Alabama Ratings: = not evaluated, o = not suited, * = adapted, ** = good, *** = outstanding,and **** = superior Varieties for the Alabama Vegetable Industry and the Southeast 65 Varieties for the Alabama Vegetable Industry and the Southeast6 TABLE 34. INDEX OF WATERMELON VARIETIES Rating Variety name Ace of Hearts (Fl) Allsweet (OF) Arriba (Fl) Asahi Miyako (Fl) AU-All Sweet AU Golden Producer (OP) AU-Producer AU Sweet Scarlet (OP) AU-SS Sweet Scarlet (OP) Baron (Fl) Blue Belle (Fl) Canada Supersweet (El) Cardinal (Fl) Carmen (Fl) Carnival (Fl) Carolina Cross #200 (OP) Charleston Elite (OP) Charleston Gray (OP) Chiffon (Fl) Chilean Black (OF) Cobh Gem (OP) Congo (OP) Crimson Glory (Fl) Crimson Jewel (Fl) Crimson Sweet (OP) Crimson Tide (Fl) Crimson Treat (OP) Crimson Trio (Fl) Crishi (Fl) Desert King (OP) Deuce of Hearts (Fl) Dumara Early Jubilee (Fl) Early Star (Fl) Emperor (Fl) Family Fun (Fl) Ferrari Fiesta Garden Baby Variety type Triploid * ** ** * ** ** * ** Allsweet Jubilee Icehox Allsweet Clemson Clemson Clemson Clemson Peacock Ice Box Oblong Ohlong Crimson Allsweet Juhilee Oblong Gray Crimson Round Oblong Oblong Crimson Triploid Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet (yellow) Sweet * * * Crimson Sweet Crimson Sweet Crimson Sweet Triploid Juhilee Oblong Triploid (Fl) (Fl) Genesis (Fl) Tri-X Chiffon (Fl1) Tri-X Palomar Honeyheart (Fl) (Fl) Hock Finn (Fl1) Imperial (Fl) Improved Peacock (OP) Jack of Hearts (Fl) ** *5 * Jade Star (Fl) Jubilation (Fl) Jubilee (OP) Jubilee II (OP) Jubilee Improved (OP) Juliett (OF) King of Hearts (Fl1) Laurel (Fl) Madera (FlI) Mardi Gras Jubilee Jubilee Icebox Oblong Oblong Allsweet Allsweet Icebox Crimson Sweet Triploid Triploid Triploid Jubilee Elongated Peacock Triploid Icebox Jubilee Jubilee Jubilee Jubilee Jubilee Triploid Triploid (Fl) Mickylee (OF) Crimson Sweet Allsweet Ice Box I ~nmll~l t~l~n I (~I ()lllnno Seed source Petoseed Petoseed Rupp Takii Auburn University Stokes Auburn University Auburn University Auburn University American Sunmelon Asgrow Stokes Asgrow Harris Seeds Rupp Rupp Rupp Asgrow Harris Seeds Asgrow Rupp Petoseed Petoseed Rupp Asgrow, Stokes Sandoz Rogers Rupp Sandoz Rogers Nunhems Rupp Petoseed Nunhems Petoseed Petoseed Petoseed Petoseed Shamrock Sandoz Rogers Fetoseed Shamrock American Sunmelon American Sunmelon Petoseed Rupp, Ferry-Morse Shamrock Asgrow Stokes Petoseed Sandoz Rogers Petoseed Asgrow Sandoz Rogers Sandoz Rogers Petoseed Rupp Asgrow Rupp, Sandoz Rogers Stokes continued 66 Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station TABLE 34. INDEX OF WATERMELON VARIETIES, CONT. Rating Variety name Millionaire (Fl) Mirage (Fl) Monarch (Fl1) Nova (Fl) Oasis (Fl) Paladin (Fl) Paradise (Fl) Peacock Improved (OP) Perola (OP) Picnic (OP) Premiere (Fl) Queen of Hearts (Fl) Red Honey (Fl) Regency (Fl) *5* ** * ** * * Revelation (Fl) Royal Flush (Fl) ***Royal * * Juhilee **5 *5* *5* *5*5 * ** ** *** Royal Majesty Royal Star (F1) Royal Sweet (Fl) Samos (Fl) Sangria (Fl) Scarlet Trio (Fl) Solid Gold (Fl) StarBrite (Fl) Stokes Sugar Hyhrid (Fl) Sugar Bahy (OP) Sugar Doll PS (Fl) Sunshade (OP) Sunsweet Sweet Favorite Tiffany (Fl) Tiger Bahy (Fl) Treasure Chest (Fl) Triplesweet (Fl) Tri-X-313 (Fl) (Fl) (Fl) (Fl) Tri-X-626 (Fl) *5* * * Tri-X Carousel (Fl) Tri-X Shadow (Fl) Tri-X Sunrise (Fl) Tri-X Triple Sweet (Fl1) Triten(Fl1) Valentine (Fl1) Variety #420 (Fl1) Variety #500 Variety #700 (Fl1) Variety #510 (Fl1) (Fl) Variety Variety Variety Variety *5** *55 #710 (Fl1) #2532Y (Fl) #3521 (Fl) #5032 (Fl1) Variety #5244 (Fl1) Variety #5544 (Fl) ** ** W-1003 (Fl) W-1025 (Fl) Yellow Bahy (Fl) Yellow Doll (Fl) Yellow Rose (Fl1) Variety type Triploid Mirage Elongated Triploid Juhilee Allsweet Elongated Peacock Gray Peacock Round Triploid Icehox Allsweet Round Elongated Jubilee Allsweet Elongated Juhilee Peacock Allsweet Triploid Round (yellow) Jubilee Ohlong Icehox Icebox Gray Allsweet Peacock Triploid Icehox Triploid (yellow) Triploid Triploid Triploid Triploid Triploid Triploid Triploid Triploid tcehox Triploid Allsweet Allsweet Juhilee Jubilee Triploid (yellow) Triploid Triploid Triploid Triploid Triploid Triploid Icehox (yellow) Icehox (yellow) Allsweet (yellow) Seed source Rupp Asgrow Shamrock Rupp Harris Seeds Sakata Harris Seeds Petoseed Asgrow Asgrow Shamrock Petoseed Nunhems Petoseed Shamrock Petoseed Petoseed Petoseed Petoseed Petoseed Nunhems Sandoz Rogers Sandoz Rogers Shamrock Asgrow Stokes Petoseed, Stokes Petoseed Asgrow Sandoz Rogers Stokes, Sakata Asgrow Petoseed, Stokes Rupp Harris Seeds American Sunmelon American Sunmelon American Sunmelon American Sunmelon American Sunmelon American Sunmelon Clemson University Rupp Ahhott & Cohh Ahhott & Cohh Ahhott & Cohh Ahhott & Cohh Ahhott & Cohh Ahhott & Cohh Ahhott & Cohh Ahhott & Cohh Ahhott & Cohh Ahhott & Cohh Pioneer Pioneer Rupp Petoseed Sandoz Rogers LIIVIVI~ Varieties for the Alabama Vegetable Industry and the Southeast TABLE 35. INDEX OF WINTER SQUASH VARIETIES Rating Variety name All Season (Fl) Variety type Seed source 67 *** ** * ** *** ** ** ** ** ** Ambercup (Fl) Autumn Cup (Fl) Autumn Queen (OP) Baby Blue (OP) Baby Delica (Fl) Baby Green (OP) Blue Hubbard (OP) Burgess Buttercup (OP) Burpee's Butterbrush (OP) Buttercup (OP) Butternut Supreme (Fl) Carnival (F1l) Chicago Warted (OP) Cousa (Fl) Cream of the Crop (Fl) Delica (Fl) Delicata (OP) Delicious Golden (OP) Early Butternut (Fl) Ghada (OP) Golden Delicious (OP) Golden Hubbard (OP) Green Delicious (OP) Green True (OP) Harris' Betternut (Fl) Heart of Gold (Fl) Honey Delight (Fl) Hubbard Improved Green (OP) Mesa Queen (Fl) Mini Green Hubbard (OP) Neck Pumpkin (OP) New England Blue Hubbard (OP) Nicklow's Delight (Fl) NK.530 (Fl) NK 580 (Fl) NVH 4008 (Fl) NVH 4009 (Fl) Pasta (Fl) Ponca (OP) PS 11899 (Fl) Royal Acorn (OP) Scallopini (Fl) Seneca Autumn Queen (F1l) Spaghetti (OP) Stripetti (F1l) Sunburst (Fl) Sunburst (OP) Swan White Acorn (OP) Sweet Dumpling (OP) Sweet Hubbard Sweet Mama (Fl) Table Ace (F1l) Table Gold (OP) Table King (OP) Specialty Buttercup Buttercup Acorn Hubbard Buttercup Hubbard Hubbard Buttercup Butternut Buttercup Butternut Acorn (multicolor) Hubbard Lebanese Acorn (white) Buttercup Specialty Hubbard Butternut Lebanese Specialty Hubbard Specialty Hubbard Butternut Acorn (bicolor) Buttercup Hubbard Acorn Hubbard Butternut Hubbard Butternut Specialty (Gold. Delicious) Specialty (Gold. Delicious) Butternut Butternut Vegetable Spaghetti Butternut Vegetable Spaghetti Acorn Scallop Acorn Vegetable Spaghetti Specialty Scallop Scallop Acorn (white) Acorn (bicolor) Hubbard Buttercup Acorn Acorn Acorn Sandoz Rogers Harris Seeds Harris Seeds Stokes Rupp Rupp Rupp Harris Seeds Harris Seeds Petoseed Stokes Petoseed, Stokes Harris Seeds Rupp Stokes Harris Seeds Rupp Harris Seeds, Stokes Rupp Petoseed, Stokes Stokes Harris Seeds, Stokes Stokes Stokes Rupp Harris Seeds Sandoz Rogers Stokes, Sakata Stokes Rupp Stokes Harris Seeds Stokes Nicklow's Vegetables, Inc. Sandoz Rogers Sandoz Rogers Sandoz Rogers Sandoz Rogers Petoseed Rupp Petoseed Rupp Stokes Rupp Rupp Stokes Rupp Stokes Stokes Harris Seeds, Stokes Harris Seeds Stokes Petoseed, Stokes Harris Seeds, Stokes Stokes continued 68 68 Rating ** ** Alabama AlabaaArclua Eormn Agricultural Experiment Station tto * *5* TABLE 35. INDEX OF WINTER SQUASH VARIETIES, CONT. Seed source Variety name Variety type Table Queen (OP) Acorn Stokes Asgrow, Stokes Tay Belle (Fl) Acorn Rupp Vegetable Spaghetti Tivoli (Fl) Stokes Ultra Butternut Butternut Hybrid (Fl) Stokes Lebanese Vegetable Marrow Bush (OP) Vegetable Spaghetti (OP) Vegetable Spaghetti Asgrow, Stokes Asgrow, Stokes Butternut Waltham Butternut (OP) Hubbard Stokes Warted Hubbard (OP) Rupp Scallop White Bush Scallop (OP) Rupp Scallop Yellow Scallop (OP) Stokes Butternut Zenith Hybrid (Fl) TABLE 36. INDEX OF YELLOW SUMMER SQUASH VARIETIES L Rating Variety name Amarillo (Ft) Bandit II (Fl) Blondie (Fl) Butterstick (Fl) Crescent (Fl) Destiny III Dixie (Fl) (Fl) Early Prolific Straightneck (OP) Enterprise 5* Variety type Cirookneck Semicrookneck Straightneck Straightneck Crookneck Crookneck Crookneck Straightneck Straightneck Straightneck Semicrook Straightneck Crookneck Straightneck Crookneck Crookneck Straightneck Crookneck Straightneck Straightneck Semicrook Crookneck Straightneck Straightneck (YPG) Crookneck Crookneck Straightneck Crookneck Crookneck Semicrook (YPG) Straightnleck Straightneck Straightneck (YPG) Semicrook Crookneck Oval Crookneck Straightneck Crookneck Straightneck (YPG) Semicrook (YPG) good, Seed source Petoseed Abbott & Cobb Asgrow Petoseed Sandoz Rogers Asgrow Asgrow Rupp Sandoz Rogers Sanduz Rogers Rupp Asgrow Sandoz Rogers Petoseed Rupp Petoseed Petoseed Rupp, Hollar Asgrow Rupp Abbott & Cobb Asgrow Rupp Harris Seeds Asgrow Ferry-Morse Abbott & Cobb Asgrow Rupp Petoseed Stokes Rupp Petoseed, Stokes Sandoz Rogers Petoseed, Stokes Rupp Sunseeds Sunseeds Sandoz Rogers Harris Seeds Harris Seeds S* (Fl) Fortune (F 1) Freedom II Gentry Goldbar (Fl1) General Patton (Fl) (Fl) (Fl) (Fl) Golden Summer Crookneck (OP) ** *5 Goldie Gold Slice (Fl) Horn of Plenty ** (Fl) Liberator III (Fl) Medallion (Fl) Meigs (Fl) Monet (Fl1) Mutipik (Fl) Pavo (Fl1) Picasso Precious Lemondrop L (Fl1) ** ** * ** II (P1) Prelude (Fl1) Prelude II (Fl) PS 37092 (Fl) (Fl) ** 55 * ** Seneca Prulific (,Fl) Seneca Supreme (Fl) Sunbar (Fl) Sunbrite (Fl) Sundance (Fl) Sun Drops AAS (Fl) SUNEX 9602 SUNEX 9651 fF1) (Fl) Sunglo (Fl) Superpik (Fl) Supersett (Fl) Rotings: not evoluated, o =sot suited, * adopted, ** =outstonding, ond *5 superior Varieties for the Alabama Vegetable Industry and the Southeast TABLE 37. INDEX OF ZUCCHtNI SQUASH VARIETIES Rating Variety name 49er (FtI) 69 Ambassador (Ft1) Aristrocrat Aztec (FLI) (Fl) * Blackjack (Fl) Black Zucchini (OP) Burpee's (Fl) Caiman (Fl) Chefini (FL1) Clarimore (Fl) Classic (Fl) Commander (FL) Congress (Fl) Counselor (FL1) *Coiidos(FL) * **5 Consul (Fl) Corsair (FLI) Dark Green Zucchini (OF) Dividend (FL) Embassy (FL) Eminent Envoy (Fl) (Fl) * Essor (FL) Garden Spineless (FL) Gator (FLI) Gemma (FL1) Goldfinger (Fl) Golden Dawn II (F L) Golden Rod (Fl) ** Gold Rush (FLI) ** Greyzini (Fl) Grey Zucchini (OP) Jaguar (FL) Magda (FL) Noblesse (Fl) Onyx (Fl) Pay Day I President * (FLI) (Fl) *5* ** *5* Raven (FL1) Revenue (Fl) Richgreen (FLI) Ronde de Nice (FL1) Seasons (Fl) Senator (FL) Seneca Zucchini (Fl) Sensation (FL) Spacemiser (Fl) Spineless Beauty (FL) Storr's Green (Fl) SUNEX 9703 (Fl) SUNEX ** *5* *5* 9715 (Fl) ** I Raig:=nteautd ** Sunzini (Fl) Super Select (Fl) Taylor Tigress (Fl) Verdemax (Fl) Viceroy (Fl) Zucchini Elite (Fl) Zucchini Select (Fl) aa susted, not adapted, Variety type Yellow Green Green Yellow Dark Green Black Green Green Medium Green Green Green Green Medium Green Green Green Medium Green Green Dark Green Dark Green Medium Dk. Green Medium Green Light Gieen Medium Green Medium Green Medium Green Medium Green Dark Green Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Green Green Dark Green Lebanese Green Black Green Yellow Green Green Medium Dk. Green Green Specially Green Green Medium Green Medium Green Green Medium Green Green Dark Green Light Green Grey Zucchini Medium Green Dark Green Green Dark Green Green tGreen Medium Green = good,* =outstanding, and *5* Seed source Rupp Petoseed Petoseed Sandoz Rogers Petoseed, Stokes Rupp Petoseed Shamrock Petoseed Petoseed Petoseed Petoseed Asgrow Petoseed Vilmorin Asgrow Asgrow Rupp Rupp Petoseed, Stokes Sunseeds Sunseeds Vilmorin Rupp Shamrock Asgrow Asgrow Sandoz Rogers Harris Seeds Harris Seeds, Petoseed, Rupp Petoseed Petoseed Harris Seeds Vilmorin Harris Seeds Rupp Abbott & Cobb Petoseed Sandoz Rogers Rupp Petoseed Vitmorin Abbott & Cobb Asgrow Harris Seeds, Stokes Asgrow Petoseed Harris Seeds, Stokes Petoseed Sunseeds Sunseeds Sunseeds Stokes Vilmorin Harris Seeds Sunseeds Petoseed Harris Seeds Stokes =suspesior 70 Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station REFERENCES Simonne et al. 1994. Spring 1994 commercial vegetable variety trial report. 24 pp. Ala. Ag. Exp. Sta. Prog. Rept. 125, Auburn U., AL. Simonne et al. 1995. Fall 1994 vegetable variety trial report. 12 pp. Ala. Ag. Exp. Sta. Prog. Rept. 126, Auburn U., AL. Simonne et al. 1995. Spring 1995 commercial vegetable variety trial report. 39 pp. Ala. Ag. Exp. Sta. Prog. Rept. 126, Auburn U., AL. Simonne et al. 1996. Fall 1995 vegetable variety trial report. 19 pp. Ala. Ag. Exp. Sta. Prog. Rept. 127, Auburn U., AL. Simonne et al. 1996. Spring 1996 commercial vegetable variety trial report. 32 pp. Ala. Ag. Exp. Sta. Prog. Rept. 130, Auburn U., AL. Simonne et al. 1997. Fall 1996 vegetable variety trial report. 21 pp. Ala. Ag. Exp. Sta. Prog. Rept. 131, Auburn U., AL. Alabama's Agricultural Experiment Station System AUBURN UNIVERSITY With an agricultural research unit in every major soil area, Auburn University serves the needs of field crop, livestock, forestry, and horticultural producers in each region in Alabama. Every citizen of the state has a stake in this research program, since any advantage from new and more economical ways of producing and handling farm products directly benefits the consuming public. Research Unit Identification * "{ Main Agricultural Experiment Station, Auburn. E. V. Smith Research Center, Shorter. Tennessee Valley Substation, Belle Mina. Sand Mountain Substation, Crossville. North Alabama Horticulture Substation, Cullman. Upper Coastal Plain Substation, Winfield. Forestry Unit, Fayette County. Chilton Area Horticulture Substation, Clanton. Forestry Unit, Coosa County. Piedmont Substation, Camp Hill. Foresty Unit, Autauga County. Prattville Experiment Field, Prattville. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Black Belt Substation, Marion Junction. The Turnipseed-lkenberry Place, Union Springs Lower Coastal Plain Substation, Camden. Forestry Unit, Barbour County. Monroeville Experiment Field, Monroeville. Wiregrass Substation, Headland. Brewton Experiment Field, Brewton. Ornamental Horticulture Substation, Spring Hill. Gulf Coast Substation, Fairhope.