This Is Auburn

College of Agriculture: Recent submissions

Now showing items 61-80 of 2658

Population Demographics of Hiodon tergisus (Mooneye) in the Lower Tallapoosa River 

Katechis, Costas T.; Sakaris, Peter C.; Irwin, Elise R. (2022-10-14)
We describe age structure, growth, and fecundity of Hiodon tergisus (Mooneye) from the lower Tallapoosa River, AL. Mooneye (N = 49, 214–316 mm total length, 79–284 g) were aged using otoliths, and a von Bertalanffy growth ...

Sexual Dimorphism in Growth of Freshwater Drum 

Rypel, Andrew L. (2022-10-14)
I examined sexual dimorphism in the long-lived Aplodinotus grunniens (freshwater drum) from five lakes and four rivers in Alabama. Using the Von Bertalanffy growth function combined with nonparametric statistics, I found ...

Spatial Competition and Private Labels 

Richards, Timothy J.; Hamilton, Stephen F.; Patterson, Paul M. (2022-10-14)
Private labels, also known as store brands, are an important component of competitive strategy among multi-product retailers, as they can increase retailers' power over suppliers in the vertical channel or facilitate ...

Site fidelity, residence time and movements of red snapper Lutjanus campechanus estimated with long-term acoustic monitoring 

Topping, Darin; Szedlmayer, Stephen T. (2022-10-14)
Residence time, site fidelity and movements for red snapper Lutjanus campechanus (Lutjanidae) were estimated from long-term telemetry monitoring (December 2005 to June 2010) at 6 sites (1 natural and 5 artificial reefs) ...

Embryonic Developmental Patterns and Energy Expenditure Are Affected by Incubation Temperature in Wood Ducks (Aix sponsa) 

DuRant, S. E; Hopkins, W. A.; Hepp, G. R.; Hepp, Gary R. (2022-10-14)
Recent research in birds has demonstrated that incubation temperature influences a suite of traits important for hatchling development and survival. We explored a possible mechanism for the effects on hatchling quality ...

Chemokine C-C motif ligand 33 is a key regulator of teleost fish barbel development 

Zhou, Tao; Li, Ning; Jin, Yulin; Zeng, Qifan; Prabowo, Wendy; Liu, Yang; Tian, Changxu; Bao, Lisui; Liu, Shikai; Yuan, Zihao; Fu, Qiang; Gao, Sen; Gao, Dongya; Dunham, Rex; Shubin, Neil H.; Liu, Zhanjiang (2022-10-14)
Barbels are important sensory organs in teleosts, reptiles, and amphibians. The majority of similar to 4,000 catfish species, such as the channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus), possess abundant whisker-like barbels. However, ...

Description of Reared Preflexion Gray Triggerfish, Balistes Capriscus, Larvae from the Northern Gulf of Mexico 

Simmons, Carrie M.; Szedlmayer, Stephen T. (2022-10-14)
Here we describe and illustrate reared gray triggerfish, Balistes capriscus (Gmelin, 1789), larvae from the northern Gulf of Mexico less than 3 mm notochord length (NL). Eggs were collected by scuba divers from active nests ...

Phylogenomics and the evolution of hemipteroid insects 

Johnson, Kevin P.; Dietrich, Christopher H.; Friedrich, Frank; Beutel, Rolf G.; Wipfler, Benjamin; Peters, Ralph S.; Allen, Julie M.; Petersen, Malte; Donath, Alexander; Walden, Kimberly K. O.; Kozlov, Alexey M.; Podsiadlowski, Lars; Mayer, Christoph; Meusemann, Karen; Vasilikopoulos, Alexandros; Waterhouse, Robert M.; Cameron, Stephen L.; Weirauch, Christiane; Swanson, Daniel R.; Percy, Diana M.; Hardy, Nate B.; Terry, Irene; Liu, Shanlin; Zhou, Xin; Misof, Bernhard; Robertson, Hugh M.; Yoshizawa, Kazunori (2022-10-14)
Hemipteroid insects (Paraneoptera), with over 10% of all known insect diversity, are a major component of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Previous phylogenetic analyses have not consistently resolved the relationships ...

Life-history Aspects of the Rainbow Shiner, Notropis chrosomus (Teleostei: Cyprinidae), in Northern Georgia 

Holder, D. Sean; Powers, Steven L. (2022-10-14)
The life history of Notropis chrosomus (Rainbow Shiner) was investigated using 12 monthly collections from Moore Creek (Etowah River Drainage) at GA Highway 140 in Cherokee County, GA. Specimens were collected by electroshocking ...

Designing Rainfall Insurance Contracts for Pasture, Rangeland, and Forage 

Nadolnyak, Dennis A.; Vedenov, Dmitry V. (2022-10-14)
In the paper, preliminary results of the analysis of potential use of climate forecast information in designing rainfall index insurance in the southeastern region of the U.S. are reported. Joint distributions of bi-monthly ...

Can texture-based classification optimally classify soils with respect to soil hydraulics? 

Twarakavi, Navin K. C.; Simunek, Jirka; Schaap, M. G. (2022-10-14)
[1] In the past, texture-based classification of soils has been used for grouping soils in variably saturated water flow and solute transport studies. Classification of soils becomes especially important for large-scale ...

Micro- and Macroevolutionary Trade-Offs in Plant-Feeding Insects 

Peterson, Daniel A.; Hardy, Nate B; Normark, Benjamin B. (2022-10-14)
A long-standing hypothesis asserts that plant-feeding insects specialize on particular host plants because of negative interactions (trade-offs) between adaptations to alternative hosts, yet empirical evidence for such ...

Site fidelity, residence time and movements of red snapper Lutjanus campechanus estimated with long-term acoustic monitoring 

Topping, Darin T.; Szedllmayer, Stephen T. (2022-10-14)
Residence time, site fidelity and movements for red snapper Lutjanus campechanus (Lutjanidae) were estimated from long-term telemetry monitoring (December 2005 to June 2010) at 6 sites (1 natural and 5 artificial reefs) ...

Effects of Landscape Characteristics on Water Quality and Fish Assemblages in the Tallapoosa River Basin, Alabama 

Saalfeld, David T.; Reutebuch, Eric M.; Dickey, R. Jason; Seesock, Wendy C.; Webber, Cliff; Bayne, David R. (2022-10-14)
To maintain and improve water quality, there is an increasing need to understand relationships between current land-use practices (e.g., agriculture, forested/silviculture, and urban) and stream ecosystems. In this study, ...

Explaining variations in the price of dairy quota: Flow returns, liquidity, quota characteristics, and policy risk 

Wilson, Norbert; Summer, Daniel (2022-10-14)
An econometric model based on the net present value model is used to examine factors that drive the variation of California dairy quota values over a 29-year period. The results suggest the price of quota is based on ...

Designing Rainfall Insurance Contracts for Pasture, Rangeland, and Forage 

Nadolnyak, Denis; Vedenov, Dimitry (2022-10-14)
In the paper, preliminary results of the analysis of potential use of climate forecast information in designing rainfall index insurance in the southeastern region of the U.S. are reported. Joint distributions of bi-monthly ...

Spatial Competition and Private Labels 

Richards, Timothy J; Hamilton, Stephen F.; Patterson, Paul M. (2022-10-12)
Private labels, also known as store brands, are an important component of competitive strategy among multi-product retailers, as they can increase retailers' power over suppliers in the vertical channel or facilitate ...