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College of Forestry, Wildlife and Environment: Recent submissions

Now showing items 61-80 of 84

Severe Long-Lasting Drought Accelerated Carbon Depletion in the Mongolian Plateau 

Lu, Chaoqun; Tian, Hanqin; Yu, Zhen; Pan, Shufen; Dangal, Shree; Zhang, Bowen; Yang, Jin; Pederson, Neil; Hessl, Amy; 0000-0002-1806-4091; 0000-0001-7920-1427; 0000-0001-9529-8206; 0000-0002-8370-0509; 0000-0003-2019-9603 (2020-02-25)
Paleoclimate records identified a severe drought lasting approximately a decade on the Mongolian Plateau during the 2000s, the severity of which was only exceeded by a single drought during the last two millennia. Under ...

Methane exchange between marshland and the atmosphere over China during 1949-2008 

Xu, Xiaofeng; Tian, Hanqin; 0000-0002-1806-4091; 0000-0002-6553-6514 (2020-02-25)
We used a process-based ecosystem model to examine methane (CH4) fluxes in the marshland across China as a result of multifactor global changes during 1949–2008. Our simulated results show a significant declining rate of ...

Multi-dimensional space use: the final frontier 

Belant, Jerrold L.; Millspaugh, Joshua J.; Martin, James A.; Gitzen, Robert A. (2019-12-13)

Individual-based modeling to project viability of gopher tortoise populations under alternative management scenarios: A case study with two Alabama Wildlife Management Areas 

Tripp, Helen E.; Gitzen, Robert A.; Silvano, Amy L.; 0000-0001-8507-8197 (2019-09-29)
Population projection models are applied tools for considering the potential effects of land and population management alternatives. Incorporating spatially explicit processes and individual dynamics into these models can ...

Who let the cats out? A global meta-analysis on risk of parasitic infection in indoor versus outdoor domestic cats (Felis catus) 

Chalkowski, Kayleigh; Wilson, Alan E.; Lepczyk, Christopher A.; Zohdy, Sarah; (2019-09-17)
Parasitic infection risks in domestic animals may increase as a result of outdoor activities, often leading to transmission events to and from owners, other domestic animals and wildlife. Furthermore, outdoor access has ...

Cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) Dominates Cheek Pouch Contents of the Great Basin Pocket Mouse (Perognathus Parvus) 

Richardson, Kristen A.; West, Stephen D.; Gitzen, Robert A.; (2019-09-15)
Most of the native shrubsteppe habitat in the northern Columbia Basin of eastern Washington has been invaded by cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) or converted to agricultural lands. Therefore, ecological patterns and dynamics ...

Near Infrared Spectroscopy Calibration for Wood Chemistry: Which Chemometric Technique Is Best for Prediction and Interpretation? 

Via, Brian K.; Zhou, Chengfeng; Acquah, Gifty E.; Jiang, Wei; Eckhardt, Lori G. (2019-08-02)
This paper addresses the precision in factor loadings during partial least squares (PLS) and principal components regression (PCR) of wood chemistry content from near infrared reflectance (NIR) spectra. The precision of ...

Root-Inhabiting Bark Beetles (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) and their Fungal Associates Breeding in Dying Loblolly Pine in Alabama 

Matusick, George; Menard, Roger D.; Zeng, Yuan; Eckhardt, Lori G.; Zeng, Yuan (2019-08-02)
Root feeding bark beetles in the family Curculionidae and the ophiostomatoid fungi they vector contribute to root disorders of Pinus species around the world. In the southeastern United States root feeding beetles in the ...

Peromyscus responses to alternative forest management systems in the Missouri Ozarks, USA 

Gitzen, Robert A.; Renken, Rochelle B.; Fantz, Debby K.; Wolf, Alexander J.; Jensen, Randy G.; Favara, Jean; Millspaugh, Joshua J.; 0000-0001-8507-8197 (2019-07-30)
Operational-scale forest management experiments are long-term investments because harvest treatment effects may be dynamic throughout one or more rotation lengths. We examined deermouse (Peromyscus spp.) abundance over the ...

The Canada Lynx (Lynx canadensis) of Isle Royale: Over-harvest, Climate Change, and the Extirpation of an Island Population 

Licht, Daniel S.; Moen, Ron A.; Brown, D. Paul; Romanski, Mark C.; Gitzen, Robert A. (2019-07-06)
In the 1930s, the Canada Lynx (Lynx canadensis) was extirpated from Isle Royale, a 535-km2 island located in western Lake Superior, 22 km from the Ontario and Minnesota shorelines. The first half of the 20th century was a ...

Ticks and Tick-Borne Illnesses of Alabama 

Merritt, Emily; Lockaby, Graeme (2018-04-18)
Presentation to a hunter education class on ticks and tick-borne illnesses, their risks, and related preventative/avoidance measures. Also includes a summary of Auburn University's research efforts and preliminary results.

Tick-Borne Illnesses of Alabama: Relationships Among Hosts, Habitats, and Ticks Throughout the State 

Merritt, Emily; Lockaby, Graeme; Mathias, Derrick (2018-04-18)
Ticks are the foremost parasites of wildlife and humans in the United States, and may transmit pathogens associated with Lyme disease, Ehrlichiosis, spotted fever Rickettsiosis, and others. Despite the high occurrence of ...

Ticks of Alabama 

Merritt, Emily (2018-04-18)
Ticks of Alabama and the illnesses they transmit (based on the most recent research available to-date).

Relationships among hosts, habitats, and ticks throughout Alabama 

Merritt, Emily; Lockaby, Graeme; Mathias, Derrick (2018-04-18)
Ticks are the foremost parasites of wildlife and humans in the United States, and may transmit pathogens associated with Lyme disease, Ehrlichiosis, spotted fever Rickettsiosis, and others. Despite the high occurrence of ...

Modeling for proximate analysis and heating value of torrefied biomass with vibration spectroscopy 

Via, Brian; Adhikari, Sushil; Taylor, Steve (2013-04-11)
The goal of this study was to characterize the changes in biomass with torrefaction for near infrared reflectance (NIR) and attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy for sweetgum, ...

Effect Of Processing Parameters, Resin, and wax Loading On Water Vapor Sorption of Wood Strands 

Neimsuwan, Trairat; Wang, Siqun; Via, Brian (2013-04-09)
The outdoor use of oriented strandboard (OSB) is undesirable if exposed to atmospheric vapor or rain; however, increasing resin and wax content can mitigate adverse sorption behavior of panels under such negative conditions. ...

The Response of Visible/Near Infrared Absorbance to Wood-Staining Fungi 

Via, Brian; Eckhardt, Lori; So, C; Shupe, Todd; Groom, Les; Stine, Mike (2013-04-09)
The influence of blue-stain fungi [Ophiostoma minus (Hedgcock) H. and P. Sydow and Leptographium serpens (Goid.) Siemaszko] on absorbance at the visible and near infrared wavelengths was investigated. Forty trees were ...

Cellulose Reinforcement of Phenol Formaldehyde: Characterization and Chemometric Elucidation 

Atta-Obeng, Emmanuel; Via, Brian; Fasina, Oladiran; Auad, Maria; Jiang, Wei (2013-04-05)
Micro sized crystalline cellulose was uniformly dispersed at loadings of 0, 3, 6, and 10% (by weight) in phenol formaldehyde (PF) and tested for thermal properties and shear strength. The application of cellulose into the ...

A comparison of geometry effect on tensile testing of wood strands 

Kohan, Neil; Via, Brian; Taylor, Steve (2013-04-05)
There is currently no ASTM standard for testing the tensile mechanical properties of strands used in wood-strand–based composites. In this study we compared the ultimate tensile strength (UTS) parallel to grain and tensile ...

Effect of microcrystalline cellulose, species, and particle size on mechanical and physical properties of particleboard 

Atta-Obeng, Emmanuel; Via, Brian; Fasina, Oladiran (2013-04-05)
Particleboards made from both sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua) and southern pine (Pinus spp.) were made at a small and large particle size and at 0 and 10% microcrystalline cellulose loading. Modulus of rupture, modulus ...