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Browsing College of Sciences and Mathematics by Author "Andresen, Arild"

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An 40Ar/39Ar thermochronology of the Ofoten-Troms region: Implications for terrane amalgamation and extensional collapse of the northern Scandinavian Caledonides 

Coker, Janet; Steltenpohl, Mark; Andresen, Arild; Kunk, Michael; 0000-0003-4424-7825 (2022-10-25)
Fifteen Ar-40/Ar-39 cooling ages are reported for metamorphic hornblende and muscovite from far traveled terranes constituting the Ofoten nappe stack of northern Norway. Eight cooling ages on hornblende range from 425 to ...

The Silurian to Permian history of a metamorphic core complex in Lofoten, northern Scandinavian Caledonides 

Steltenpohl, Mark; Hames, Willis; Andresen, Arild (2022-09-29)
[1] The Lofoten archipelago exposes Precambrian Baltic basement and Caledonian allochthonous sequences within a 1000 km long chain of gravity and magnetic highs and structural culminations along the extended, British and ...