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College of Sciences and Mathematics: Recent submissions

Now showing items 241-260 of 391

First-order symmetry-adapted perturbation theory for multiplet splittings 

Patkowski, Konrad; Zuchowski, Piotr S.; Smith, Daniel G. A.; (2020-06-25)
We present a symmetry-adapted perturbation theory (SAPT) for the interaction of two high-spin open-shell molecules (described by their restricted open-shell Hartree-Fock determinants) resulting in low-spin states of the ...

Communication: Water activation and splitting by single metal-atom anions 

Liu, Gaoxiang; Miliordos, Evangelos; Ciborowski, Sandra M.; Tschurl, Martin; Boesl, Ulrich; Heiz, Ulrich; Zhang, Xinxing; Xantheas, Sotiris S.; Bowen, Kit; (2020-06-25)
We report experimental and computational results pertaining to the activation and splitting of single water molecules by single atomic platinum anions. The anion photoelectron spectra of [Pt(H2O)](-), formed under different ...

Dependence of the multipole moments, static polarizabilities, and static hyperpolarizabilities of the hydrogen molecule on the H-H separation in the ground singlet state 

Miliordos, Evangelos; Hunt, Katharine L. C.; (2020-06-25)
In this work, we provide values for the quadrupole moment Theta, the hexadecapole moment Phi, the dipole polarizability alpha, the quadrupole polarizability C, the dipole-octopole polarizability E, the second dipole ...

Reactive transport of trace elements and isotopes in the Eutaw coastal plain aquifer, Alabama 

Lee, Ming-Kuo; Griffin, James; Saunders, James; Wang, Yang; Jean, Jiin-Shuh (2020-06-18)
[1] We integrate groundwater geochemistry, mineralogy, and numerical modeling techniques to study the reactive transport of heavy metals and isotopes in the Eutaw coastal plain aquifer, Alabama. Geochemical data show that ...

Radiation pressure measurements on micron-size individual dust grains 

Abbas, MM; Thomas, E.; 0000-0002-7747-0284 (2020-06-18)
Measurements of electromagnetic radiation pressure have been made on individual silica (SiO2) particles levitated in an electrodynamic balance. These measurements were made by inserting single charged particles of known ...

Global-scale simulation of foreshock structures at the quasi-parallel bow shock 

Lin, Yu; 0000-0001-8003-9252 (2020-06-18)
A two-dimensional, global-scale hybrid simulation is carried out to study the kinetic structure of the quasi-parallel bow shock. In the simulation the bow shock forms by the interaction of the supersonic solar wind and the ...

Dynamics of ring current ions as obtained from IMAGE HENA and MENA ENA images 

Perez, JD; Zhang, XX; Brandt, PCS; Mitchell, DG; Jahn, JM; Pollock, CJ (2020-06-18)
Ion distributions from three storms in the year 2000 have been obtained from HENA and MENA ENA images at 27-39 keV and 5-12 keV, respectively. The observed motion of the ring current is compared with calculations of expected ...

Trapped and precipitating protons in the inner magnetosphere as seen by IMAGE 

Perez, JD; Zhang, XX; Brandt, PC; Mitchell, DG; Jahn, JM; Pollock, CJ; Mende, SB (2020-06-18)
[1] Images from the IMAGE satellite of precipitating protons (SU12/FUV) and trapped protons at 8.5 (MENA) and 33 keV (HENA) are compared during three periods: ( 1) 12 August 2000 from 1000 UT to 1145 UT just after the peak ...

Global patterns of Joule heating in the high-latitude ionosphere 

Zhang, XX; Wang, C.; Chen, T.; Wang, YL; Tan, A; Wu, TS; Germany, GA; Wang, W (2020-06-18)
[1] A compiled empirical global Joule heating (CEJH) model is described in this study. This model can be used to study Joule heating patterns, Joule heating power, potential drop, and polar potential size in the high-latitude ...

Three-dimensional global hybrid simulation of dayside dynamics associated with the quasi-parallel bow shock 

Lin, Y.; Wang, XY; 0000-0001-8003-9252; 0000-0001-5533-5981 (2020-06-18)
A three-dimensional global-scale hybrid simulation is carried out, for the first time, for dynamics of the dayside bow shock-magnetosphere system associated with the quasi-parallel bow shock. A case with IMF along the ...

Overlap of the plasmasphere and ring current: Relation to subauroral ionospheric heating 

Gurgiolo, C.; Sandel, BR; Perez, JD; Mitchell, DG; Pollock, CJ; Larsen, BA (2020-06-18)
The overlap of the ring current with the outer plasmasphere is thought to play a major role in storm-time related increases in the subauroral ambient topside electron temperature. Instabilities generated within the overlap ...

Reversal of magnetic field rotation in the reconnection layer due to shear flow effects 

Sun, Xiaoxia; Lin, Yu; Wang, Xiaogang; 0000-0001-8003-9252 (2020-06-18)
We investigate the effects of shear flows on the so-called "component reconnection," in which the guide field B-y not equal 0, by solving a one-dimensional Riemann problem for magnetopause reconnection using a resistive ...

Intermediate shocks in three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic bow-shock flows with multiple interacting shock fronts 

Cable, S.; Lin, Y.; Holloway, J. L.; 0000-0001-8003-9252 (2020-06-18)
Previous MHD simulations predict that when switch-on shock conditions obtain in the solar wind, the bow shock produced in front of an ellipsoidal obstacle will produce a unique bow shock configuration that includes a concave ...

A study of the electromagnetic proton cyclotron instability as a generation mechanism for EMIC waves in the Earth's magnetosphere using SCATHA data 

Nguyen, Son T.; Perez, J. D.; Fennell, Joseph F. (2020-06-16)
Using 59 days of magnetic field data from SCATHA, a study of the electromagnetic proton cyclotron instability as a generation mechanism for EMIC waves in the Earth's magnetosphere has been conducted. From 1181 events found, ...

Hybrid simulation of foreshock waves and ion spectra and their linkage to cusp energetic ions 

Wang, X. Y.; Lin, Y.; Chang, S. -W.; 0000-0001-5533-5981; 0000-0001-8003-9252 (2020-06-16)
A three-dimensional global hybrid simulation is carried out to investigate energetic ions and electromagnetic waves in the quasi-parallel (Q-parallel to) bow shock and cusp for a typical interplanetary magnetic field ...

Three-dimensional hybrid simulation of magnetosheath reconnection under northward and southward interplanetary magnetic field 

Pang, Y.; Lin, Y.; Deng, X. H.; Wang, X. Y.; Tan, B.; 0000-0001-8003-9252; 0000-0001-5533-5981 (2020-06-16)
A three-dimensional (3-D) global hybrid simulation is carried out for the generation and structure of magnetic reconnection in the magnetosheath because of the interaction of an interplanetary tangential discontinuity (TD) ...

Hybrid simulation of mode conversion at the magnetopause 

Lin, Y.; Johnson, J. R.; Wang, X. Y.; 0000-0001-8003-9252; 0000-0001-5533-5981 (2020-06-16)
Two-dimensional hybrid simulations are used to investigate how fast-mode compressional waves incident on a magnetopause current layer mode convert both linearly and nonlinearly to short wavelength (k(perpendicular to)rho(i) ...

Laser Ar-40/Ar-39 age constraints on Miocene sequences from the Bengal basin: Implications for middle Miocene denudation of the eastern Himalayas 

Uddin, Ashraf; Hames, Willis E.; Zahid, Khandaker M. (2020-06-16)
Petrographic, mineral-chemistry and subsurface studies reveal that orogenic sedimentation had already begun in the Bengal basin by the early Miocene. Laser Ar-40/Ar-39 age determinations were made for detrital muscovite ...

Global observations of ring current dynamics during corotating interaction region-driven geomagnetic storms in 2008 

Grimes, E. W.; Perez, J. D.; Goldstein, J.; McComas, D. J.; Valek, P. (2020-06-12)
We examine the evolution of the ring current during the main and early recovery phases of three geomagnetic storms driven by corotating interaction regions. The equatorial energy density profiles of 5-30 keV ions are ...

Evolution of low-altitude and ring current ENA emissions from a moderate magnetospheric storm: Continuous and simultaneous TWINS observations 

Valek, P.; Brandt, P. C.; Buzulukova, N.; Fok, M-C.; Goldstein, J.; McComas, D. J.; Perez, J. D.; Roelof, E.; Skoug, R. (2020-06-12)
The moderate storm of 22 July 2009 is the largest measured during the extended solar minimum between December 2006 and March 2010. We present observations of this storm made by the two wide-angle imaging neutral-atom ...