This Is Auburn

Auburn University Libraries: Recent submissions

Now showing items 41-60 of 162

Everyday Inclusion Begins with Me: Diversity and Intergroup Communication in the Workplace 

Iglesias, Aubrey; Whaley, Pambanisha; Alabi, Jaena (2020-06-10)
Join us to explore actions at the individual level that help create an environment where diverse perspectives flourish and a desired long-term outcome is to attract, recruit, and retain a workforce of librarians from diverse ...

Data Infrastructure and Local Stakeholder Engagement with Biodiversity Conservation Research 

Krzton, Ali; Krzton, Alicia; 0000-0001-9979-2471 (2020-05-21)
Biodiversity research that informs conservation action is increasingly data intensive. Cutting-edge projects at large institutions use massive aggregated datasets to build dynamic models and conduct novel analyses of natural ...

Mountain or Molehill? Developing Online Tutorials on Web Source Evaluation 

Bullinger, Delaney; 0000-0002-7664-246X (2020-04-22)
This poster will discuss Auburn University’s two newest online Articulate tutorials on web source and news source evaluation. The poster will discuss our philosophy behind separating online web source and news source ...

Unlocking Your Courier Potential in the 21st Century with Tableau 

Martindale, Tyler; Pendleton, JP; Pierce, Martin; 0000-0002-2589-9089 (2020-01-29)
The courier data collected by the circulation department at Auburn University Libraries had not been closely examined prior to the arrival of the current Business and Economics subject specialist librarian. What started ...

PlaceMaking in Prison Libraries 

Bullinger, Delaney; McKissic, Siobhan; 0000-0002-7664-246X (2019-08-29)
architectures, placemaking, and their effects on the relationships between incarcerated persons and administration. We draw from existing research in art and design, specifically the idea that “place is more about ...

The Librarian's Dilemma 

Bullinger, Delaney; Strahan, KayLee; 0000-0002-7664-246X (2019-08-29)
Librarians who work with incarcerated individuals face the dilemma of being asked to participate in a restrictive system while also adhering to universally accepted intellectual freedom standards. Prison librarians ...

This Goodly Land: Creating an Online Reference Source 

Coates, Midge; Coates, Mildred (2019-08-19)
This paper describes the creation of the online literary map This Goodly Land: Alabama's Literary Landscape, from January 2005 through June 2011. The literary map was designed and created at Auburn University by a small ...

Don’t Stop Thinking about Assessment: Ongoing Evaluation of Course-Integrated Assessment 

Carter, Toni (2019-05-30)
This poster will share the path taken to introduce student learning assessment into course-integrated information literacy sessions at one academic library. Four years of continuous evaluation of this initiative has revealed ...

Support Scholars Who Share 

Krzton, Ali; Krzton, Alicia (2019-04-16)
Librarians play a leading role in promoting openness in scholarly communication, including open access, open data, and public accountability. However, individual researchers remain reluctant to embrace open scholarship or ...

First Research: Industry profiles for the sales professional 

Winn, Trevor; Martindale, Tyler (2019-03-20)

LOCKSS Networks: Community-Based Digital Preservation 

Trehub, Aaron; Davis, Corey; Jordan, Mark; May, Cinda; Meister, Sam (2018-12-13)
Ten years ago, the landscape of working digital preservation (DP) solutions and/or networks was sparsely populated. Today, there is an increasing variety of DP approaches and solutions to choose from. Institutions can ...

From Hostile to Inclusive: Strategies for Improving the Racial Climate of Academic Libraries 

Alabi, Jaena (2018-11-02)
Despite the presence of programs such as the American Library Association (ALA) Spectrum Scholarship and the Association of Research Libraries (ARL) Initiative to Recruit a Diverse Workforce, Library and Information Science ...

Using Mindfulness to Cope with Microaggressions and Workplace Stress 

Whaley, Pambanisha; Thomas, Chippewa; Alabi, Jaena (2018-10-01)
People from marginalized identity groups frequently experience microaggressions, verbal and non-verbal messages that are invalidating or demeaning. Librarians, even those working in the supposedly progressive and liberal ...

Reframing Information Literacy Assessment: Reaching for College Seniors 

Carter, Toni; Rodgers Good, Megan (2018-09-10)
Although our institution has a history of information literacy assessment for general education, we found the method used did not allow us to tell a compelling story about students’ information literacy skills. After a ...

Electronic Theses and Dissertations: Limited Shelf Life or Long Tail? 

Coates, Midge; Coates, Mildred (2018-09-04)
When we make theses and dissertations available electronically, we do so because we believe that these documents have value for researchers. We do not know, however, if this value has a time limit or if it will be sustained. ...

Supporting the Proliferation of Data-Sharing Scholars in the Research Ecosystem 

Krzton, Ali; Krzton, Alicia (2018-08-08)
Librarians champion the value of openness in scholarship and have been powerful advocates for the sharing of research data. College and university administrators have recently joined in the push for data sharing due to ...

Data Literacy for College Students 

Krzton, Ali; Krzton, Alicia (2018-04-10)
Undergraduates are increasingly expected to be able to make sense of data in order to fully participate in the workforce and our democratic process. Moreover, more undergraduates are involved in research at their schools ...