Civil Engineering
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Resistance model for confined circular reinforced concrete columns under eccentric loads
Circular reinforced concrete columns with spiral reinforcement exhibit an increased ductility
and resistance due to the confinement effect. Many experimental investigations and theoretical studies related
to this topic ...
Data for: Comparison of two dielectric sensors in coarse-grained soils of increasing salinity
Moisture content can impact the resilient modulus of pavement base course and subgrade layers. Given its influence on the post-inundation resilient moduli of the coastal pavement and base course and subgrade layers, it is ...
Formation, Fate, and Impacts of Microscopic and Macroscopic Oil-Sediment Residues in Nearshore Marine Environments: A Critical Review
Crude oil that is spilled in marine environments often interacts with suspended sediments to form residues that can impact the recovery of the affected nearshore ecosystems. When spilled oil and sediment interact, they can ...
Experimental and numerical investigation of saltwater intrusion dynamics in flux-controlled groundwater systems
Sea level rise and reduction of groundwater fluxes due to changes in rainfall patterns are the two major climate change–induced hydrological variables that can severely affect saltwater intrusion in coastal aquifers. In ...
Forest restoration as a strategy to mitigate climate impacts on wildfire, vegetation, and water in semiarid forests
Climate change and wildfire are interacting to drive vegetation change and potentially reduce water quantity and quality in the southwestern United States, Forest restoration is a management approach that could mitigate ...
Sea level rise and inundation of island interiors: Assessing impacts of lake formation and evaporation on water resources in arid climates
Coasts of many low-lying islands will be inundated should sea level rise by 1 m by 2100 as projected, thereby decreasing water resources through aquifer salinization. A lesser known impact occurs if rising sea level elevates ...
Categorizing Sedimentary Rocks by Origin
Using examples, this video tells students what to look for in order to identify rocks.
Unconfined Compression Test
The unconfined compression test. Collect approcimately 1200g of soil passing through the No. 4 Sieve. Add water and mix soil sample thoroughly. Weigh empty Harvard Miniature Mold and place layer of soil in mold. Compact ...
Bearing Capacity
The pressure that a foundation unit can impose onto the supporting earth mass without causing overstressing (or shear failure) is the soil's bearing capacity. The three principal modes of soil failure established by the ...
Atterburg Limits
Atterberg Limits describe the water contents at which clays change behavior. The water content indicating the division between the liquid and plastic state is the liquid limit. The Liquid Limit is determined using a brass ...