This Is Auburn

Report 05. Guide to the literature and organizations involved in agribusiness research and agribusiness development in Haiti


Bélizaire, Henry Jude
Lea, John Dale (Zach)


This report should serve as an initial source of information for persons interested in agribusiness research or agribusiness development activities in Haiti. - It serves as a guide to the literature and the organizations involved in agribusiness. We list the relevant documents found in the USAID and IICA libraries and review three recent marketing studies. We reference the most recent publication (Who Is Who in Agribusiness in Haiti 1988) which lists the names and addresses of the larger-scale agribusinesses active in Haiti. In an appendic, we reproduce a list of individuals contacted during the most recent (Mock and Mooney, 1987) survey of Haitian agribusinesses. This list is an important addition to the list mentioned above because it contains the names of individuals active in business outside of Port-au-Prince. We also list institutions and organizations assisting the development of Haitian agribusiness: credit institutions, governmental bilateral agencies providing financing or grants for agricultural projects, consulting groups, industry organizations, non-government organizations, cooperatives and universities. When the information was available, we note the relevant operating policies and capacities of the organizations. There is a surprising number of sources of financial aid for development in the agricultural sector. - The traditional Haitian marketing agents, market places and channels are described, as well as past and present market regulations and informal "taxes" or bribes. The role at the capital city market-level of depots specialized by region and operated by brokers as fairly continuously operating commodity markets is emphasized. The impact of the embargo, which began in November 1991, on transportation costs and the price and the quality of agricultural products are briefly discussed. - We report the limited information we found on Haitian international trade in agricultural commodities, noting the quantities exported and imported before and during the embargo.


Rapò sa-a ka sèvi moun k-ap chèche enfòmasyon sou agribiznis ou byen ki enterese nan devlopman aktivite sa yo an Ayiti. - Se yon gid pou moun ki bezwen konnen sa ki ekri sou agribiznis an Ayiti ak òganizasyon ki fè altivite sa-yo. Nou bay yon lis tout dokiman enteresan nou jwenn nan bibliotèk USAID ak IICA sou kesyon-an. Nou analize tou twa dènie étid yo ki parèt sou komèsyalizasyon. Nou pale de dokiman "Who Is Who in Agribusiness" ki bay lis non ak adrès de pi gro bizismann nan Agribubiznis an Ayiti. Nan fin rapò-a nou bay yon lis moun k-ap travay nan agribiznis ke yo to kontakte nan denye ankèt ki te fèt spi Agribiznis an Ayiti (Mock and Mooney, 1987). Lis sa-a bay yon bagay ki enpòtan ke lòt lis-la pat bay, se non moun ki gen biznis ki pa nan Pòtoprins. Nou bay tou lis enstitisyon ak òganizasyon ki bay èd pou devlope agribiznis an Ayiti: enstitisyon ki bay kredi, enstitisyon gouvènman-an, òganizasyon ki bay oswa ki prete lajan ki soti nan yon lòt peyi pou fè pwojè agrikòl, gwoup ki fè konsiltasyon, òganizasyon endistryel, kooperativ, inivèsite. Chak fwa li posib, nou bay enfòmasyon sou politik ak kapasite òganizasyon sa yo. Gen you kantite èd ke nou pa sipoze pou devlopman sektè agrikòl an Ayiti. - Nou dekri wout pwodwi agrikòl yo konn fè, san bliye moun ki achte, ki revann yo. Nou pale de mache yo, de taks yo te konn peye, sa yo peye kounye-a, de lajan sou kote machann yo konn bay. Nou met aksan sou wòl depo nan komès pwodwi yo nan Pòtoprins. An jeneral, genyen depo pou chak rejyon. Chak depo gen yon mèt ki antre nan sikwi komès pwodwi yo. Nou diskite enpe de efè anbago-a ki kòmanse an Novanm 1991, sou lajan pou peye pou transpòte pwodwi yo, sou pri ak kalite yo tou. - Nou bay kèk enfòmasyon nou jwenn sou kòmès nou fè ak lòt bò dlo, kantite pwodwi agrikòl nou voye ale, kantite nou fe rantre anvan ak pandan anbago-a.