This Is Auburn

Report 26. Plant disease problems in banana and plantain in Haiti


Stover, R. H.


The four main varieties grown in Haiti are: Plantains (Musque), Cavendish (Figure), Silk (Figue bayonner) and Bluggoe (Poban). Fusarial wilt or Panama disease caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. cubense Race 2 is present on Bluggoe in all areas visited but is most destructive and epidemic in some areas in the central zone around Mirabalais. Bluggoe is drought resistant and predominates in drier areas. Nematode root and rhizome rot caused by Radopholus similis and Pratylenchus coffeae are common on plantain in some fields of the North coastal plain. Farmers are planting heavily infected rhizomes and methods for obtaining "clean seed" are described. Sigatoka, caused by Mycosphaerella musicola causes severe defoliation on Cavendish and Silk varieties. Natural and bred varieties resistant to Fusarial wilt and Sigatoka are described as possible substitutes for Bluggoe and Silk. New bred plantain varieties should also be introduced. These can be introduced as meristem palnts from commercial producers. Disorders caused by planting in clay soils of low permeability and by low fertility are described. Fertility problems are causing greater reduction in yield than diseases. Fertility can be improved by increasing the organic matter content of the soil using fallow, mulch and compost methods.


Kat varyete bannann ki pi enpòtan an Ayiti se: Miske ("Plantain"), Fig bannann ("Cavendish"), Fig bayonèt (Silk) ak bannann Poban ("Bluggoe"). Nan tout zòn nou vizite, nou rankontre sou bannann poban yon maladi yo rele mal Panama, men li pi grav nan kèk kote tankou nan Plato Santral toupre Mibalè. Se yon chanpiyon yo rele Fusarium oxysporum f. Ras 2 ki bay plant la maladi sa-a. Bannann poban montre li rezistan kote ki gen lesèk e yo plante li anpil nan zòn sa yo. Yon lòt pwoblèm ki kouran nan bannann ki plante sou kèk tè nan Plèn di Nò, se nematòd nan rasinn plant la, ak pouriti bwa bannann yo. Se Radopholus similis ak Pratylenchus coffeae ki lakòz pwoblèm sa yo. Plantè yo plante pitit bannann ki genyen anpil nematòd. Metòd pou jwenn "semans pwòp" dekri nan rapò sa-a. Lòt pwoblèm ankò, se Sigatoka nan fig bannann Cavendish ak Fig bayonèt Silk ki fè plant yo jete anpil fèy. Se Mycosphaerella musicola ki lakòz pwoblèm sa-a. Lòt varyete natirèl ak atifisyèl ki rezistan kont maladi Panama ak Sigatoka pou ranplase bannann Bluggoe ak Silk te dekri nan rapò-a kòm mwayen pou konbat maladi sa yo. Nouvo varyete miske ta dwe rantre tou nan peyi-a. Yo ka achte tout varyete sa yo nan men konpayi ki pwodwi ti plant ak metòd tisi kilti. Pwoblèm ki rankontre nan bannann ki plante nan tè ajil ki pa pèmèt dlo byen rantre nan tè-a, ak pwoblèm tè ki pa ase gra, te dekri tou nan rapò-a. Pwoblèm tè ki manke gra plis esplike randman bannann yo k'ap bese pase maladi. Yo kapab amelyore tè-a si yo ogmante kantite matyè òganik nan sòl la, swa kite tè-a poze, osnon mete pay ak konpòs nan tè-a.