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Report 13. Technical constraints in Haitian agroforestry: research on tool use and need in two regions


To study tool use and need as a factor in agroforestry production in Haiti, research was undertaken in two widely-separated areas of the country, Des Forges (near Bombardopolis in Northwest Haiti) and Vialet (near Petit Goave in the Western Department). Each site reflects conditions found in most other rural areas of the country, with Des Forges being a remote hilly location and Vialet a slightly more prosperous one near a major road to the capitol city. The methods used included observations, informal interviews, and a survey of 85 farmers. Data from these sources were supplmented by information gained from a previous sociological study of four areas, including the two tool study sites. In the tool study survey, farmers were asked about the farm tools they possessed, their perceived needs for additional ones, tool borrowing and lending practices, and related activities. They estimated the number of days each lost per season because of a lack of tools, as well as the number lost by other people in their household who did farm work. The results of the study showed many commonalities and some differences between farmers in the two areas. Machetes, hoes and picks were the most common tools. About eight out of ten farmers commonly borrowed tools, usually from neighbors. Picks, hoes, machetes and sickles were the most frequently borrowed items. Calculations are provided based on the farmer's estimates of the number of days that they and their farming household members could gain if they had adequate tools. For the average household, these data indicate that an additional month of farm work days per year could result if adequate tools were available. Additional information is provided on cultivation patterns, perceived tool needs and current sources. Examples of what other countries have done about tool needs are briefly mentioned. Conclusions and recommendations about how tools may be increased in Haiti are provided.


Pou étidié itilization zouti ak bezwen zouti nan agroforestri nan péyi d'Ayiti, yo té oblijé fè rechèch nan dé zone séparé péyi-a-nan Des Forges (tou pwé Bombadopolis nan Nodwes d'Ayiti) ak nan Vialet (tou pwé Ti Goave nan Sudwes d'Ayiti). Chak amplasman gen minm' condition ké preské tout lot zone nan péyi-a. Des Forges nan tèt monn' é Vialet ki pi pré rout Potoprins yon ti jan pli fètil. Métod ki té fè nou jwenn tout rézilta sa-yo cé observation, ti kosé ak moun-yo é yon étid sou zouti. Nan étid sou zouti=a, nou té mandé ki kalité zouti kiltivatè-yo genyen, ki lot zouti yo bezwen é ki jan afè prété zouti té fèt. Yo té kalkilé kantité jou yo té pèdi pa sézon paské pa gen zouti é yo té kalkilé tou kantité jou lot moun ki travay sou tè nan kay-yo té pédi. Rézilta yo montré ampil diférans ak ampil bagay ki samblé ant kiltivaté-yo nan dé zone-yo. Manchèt, wou ak pikwa té plis sèvi kom zouti. 8 sou 10 kiltivatèé prété zouti nan min vwazin. Yo té plis prété pikwa, wou, manchèt ak kouto-digo. Kalkil yo fèt sou kantité jou plantè-yo ak moun ki rèt,lakay-yo ta genyen amplis si yo té gen tout zouti-yo. Pou mwatié kay-yo, infomasyon bay ké yo tap genyen yon mwa travay amplis si yo té ak sou bezwen zouti. Nou palé dé examp sou sa lot péyi fè pou bezwen zouti-yo. Konkilizion ak rekomansyon sou jan zouti ka ogmanté nan péye d'Ayiti nan rapo sa-a.