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Report 25. Time rate of discounting and decisions of Haitian tree planters


During previous research on the economics of agroforestry in Haiti, it was noted that some farmers practicing agroforestry tended to hold onto trees for some years. They deferred harvesting them because some tree products, such as planks, increase in value as the trees mature. This study examines the decisions made by rural Haitian tree planters and by urbanites with regard to the amount of time each would defer a benefit that would later have greater value. It examines the time rate of discount, planter planning horizons, and alternative use plans. Data on the time rate of discount for groups of tree planters and urban service workers are reported. A regression analysis examines the influence of age of farmer and age of tree on such decisions. Respondents expressed very high time rates of discount of future returns. A negative relationship of the discount rate and age of oldest trees was observed, while a positive relationship of the discount rate and the age of the cooperating planters was shown. Political instability influenced farmers' decisions. Greater stability would encourage investment at lower rates of interest because of lower risks of losses. In addition to the use of wood products in building construction and as fuel, potentially profitable opportunities in the Haitian economic for additional uses of wood products are described, including the wood carving industry.


Nan reshesh ekonomik ki te fet nan zafè plante pyebwa an Ayiti yo te obsevé ke gen kek kiltivatè ki plante pyebwa e ki te kité yo pandan plizye zane. Yo pat koupé pyebwa yo paské yo te rekonet plis pyebwa yo gwo plis yo bay ranman, espesyalman nan zafè fey plansh. Etid sila ap ekzaminé konbyen tan kiltivatè pyebwa epi tou, kek moun nan la vil-la, te dako gadé yon bagay ki te kapab rapoté yo pi plis demen. Nan etid sila, yon rapo te bay sou valè tan group plantè yo epi tou, moun kap travay en deyo yo te dako kembe yon bagay ki te kapab rapoté yo pi plis demen. Yon analiz (regression) te montré koman laj kiltivatè yo e laj pyebwa yo kap jwe yon grann en potans nan zafe sila. Resilta-yo montré ki pousantaj tan ke moun yo te vle gadé yon bagay ki kapab bay yo yon pi gwo benefis pi devan ki te byen gran. Li te montré tou, plis pyebwa yo te ajé, mwens abitan-an te genyen interè pou li pat koupé yo, epi tou, moun yo ki te gwoupé an cooperativ te genyen plis tandans pou ko kite pyebwa yo pi lontan. Sitiasyon politik nan peyi-an te jwe yon gran rôl nan desizyon moun yo paske si genyen yon estabilite nan peyi-an moun yo pi dispozé investi a yon to interé ki pi piti paske yo kap genyen mwens chans pou yo pedi kob yo. Etid sila montre tou, an plis bwa te itilizé pou fe kay e pou brilé, yo itilizé'l pou yon bann lot bagay enpotan nan economi peyi d'Ayiti, kom ekzanp, pou fe meb ak bebel an bwa.