This Is Auburn

More Than Assessment: What ePortfolios Make Possible for Students, Faculty, and Curricula


Bartlett, Lesley Erin
Stuart, Heather
Owensby, Justin K.
Davis, Jordan R.


To disrupt the notion that ePortfolios are primarily an assessment tool, this article-as-ePortfolio invites readers to consider what is made possible when ePortfolio initiatives lead with student learning in their structure and implementation. In addition to descriptions of both faculty and student support, we offer extended examples of ePortfolio implementation in three disparate programs at our university: Biosystems Engineering, English Education, and Nursing. To conclude, we reflect on the pedagogical challenges and opportunities that have emerged as a result of the structure and implementation of our ePortfolio initiative. Ultimately, we aim to demonstrate what is made possible for students, faculty, and curricula when ePortfolio initiatives prioritize student learning.