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Digital Ethics in ePortfolios: Developing Principles, Strategies, and Scenarios


Cicchino, Amy
Haskins, Megan
Gresham, Morgan
Kelly, Kevin
Slade, Christine
Zurhellen, Sarah


In response to rising concerns about digital ethics in ePortfolio practice, the Association for Authentic, Experiential, Evidence-Based Learning (AAEEBL) created a Digital Ethics Task Force charged with researching and articulating research-based practices for ePortfolios. After year one, the Task Force released the Digital Ethics Principles in ePortfolios: Version 1. This article describes the process used to recruit Task Force members and develop the resulting principles. In using the Task Force as a model for international collaboration and digital composition, the final section of this paper identifies key takeaways for the field and proposes future opportunities for research in digital ethics and ePortfolio practice.