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Los Angeles Aqueduct

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dc.contributorPhilip L. Chaney, chanepl@auburn.eduen_US
dc.creatorChaney, Philip L
dc.description.abstractThis file contains a digital map of the Los Angeles Aqueduct (U.S.A.) in Google Earth KMZ format that was produced as part of The IBT Water Project at Auburn University. The Los Angeles Aqueduct is a complex, “gravity-flow” system constructed in three major phases to transport water from the Owens Valley and Mono Lake area in eastern California to the city of Los Angeles. The First LA Aqueduct (LAA1), completed in 1913, consisted of a combination of canals, pipelines, and tunnels to capture water from the Owens River. The Mono Basin Extension, completed in 1941, extended the route over 100 miles farther up the Owens Valley to capture water from the mountain streams flowing into Mono Lake. The Second LA Aqueduct (LAA2), completed in 1970, branches off the First LA Aqueduct at the Haiwee Reservoir and runs essentially parallel to LAA1 to Los Angeles. This addition essentially doubled the capacity for transporting water to the city. Metadata embedded in the KMZ file include author contact, Creative Commons License information, and list of references. See the project website (URL shortcut: for information about methods, data sources, additional digital IBT maps, Google Earth tips, and a glossary of key terms.en_US
dc.publisherAuburn Universityen_US
dc.rightsCreative Commons License (CC-BY): This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit
dc.subjectInterbasin Transfer of Wateren_US
dc.subjectdigital mapen_US
dc.titleLos Angeles Aqueducten_US

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