This Is Auburn

Cutzamala System


Chaney, Philip L


This file contains a digital map of the Cutzamala System (Mexico) in Google Earth KMZ format that was produced as part of The IBT Water Project at Auburn University. The Cutzamala System evolved from an earlier aqueduct system that supplied Mexico City (Lerma System, 1951) and a plan to develop a major hydropower system west of the city (Miguel Aleman Hydroelectric System). In 1976, the plan for how to use the water mostly for hydropower evolved into the Cutzamala System for delivering water to Mexico City, thus supplementing water supplied by the existing Lerma System. The Cutzamala System includes a complex network of canals, tunnels, and pipelines, 6 pumping plants, 11 dams, 10 reservoirs, a major treatment plant, 2 storage tanks along the route, and 4 storage tanks at the terminus in Mexico City. Metadata embedded in the KMZ file include author contact, Creative Commons License information, and list of references. See the project website (URL shortcut: for information about methods, data sources, additional digital IBT maps, Google Earth tips, and a glossary of key terms.