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Haiti Productive Land Use Systems (PLUS) Project Reports: Recent submissions

Now showing items 21-40 of 55

Report 18. Project PLUS baseline information (revised) 

Lea, John Dale (Zach) (2019-09-04)
The information in this report was developed from a baseline survey of randomly selected farm households in the 16 monitoring zones of the Productive Land Use Systems Project (PLUS) during the period June-October 1993. The ...

Report 17. Initial financial evaluation of hedgerows 

Lea, John Dale (Zach) (2019-09-04)
This analysis, based on available information and assumptions, indicates that Leucaena hedgerows utilized either as forage or for soil amendment should be a very attractive investment for many Haitian farmers. The analysis ...

Report 16. First assessment and refinement of the PLUS M&E system : Port-au-Prince, Haiti, February 16-March 9, 1994 

Pagoulatos, Angelos (2019-09-04)
The objective of PLUS of "sustainable increases in on-farm productivity and farmer income through the integration into farming systems of appropriate land use and soil conservation measures which enhance soil productivity" ...

Report 15. Evaluation of tree species adaptation for alley cropping in four environments in Haiti. B. First year of pruning 

Isaac, Lionel; Shannon, Dennis A.; Brockman, Frank E. (2019-09-04)
Tree species were evaluated for their suitability as hedgerows for alley cropping in Haiti. Major criteria discussed in this report are total and leaf biomass production, leaf/stem ratio, regrowth following pruning, and ...

Report 14. Food marketing in Northwest Haiti CARE Regions I-IV 

Jolly, Curtis M.; Jean-Louis, Nelta (2019-09-04)
The marketing study was initiated in October, 1990. The objectives were to identify the crops produced and sold in the Northwestern region, collect and analyze prices of crops, evaluate marketing costs and identify market ...

Report 06. Evaluation of tree species adaptation for alley cropping in four environments in Haiti. A. Establishment phase 

Shannon, Dennis A.; Isaac, Lionel (2019-09-04)
Thirty-five tree species were planted in hedgerows in four environments in Haiti: high elevation (1150 m); low elevation, humid on calcareous soil; low elevation, humid on basaltic soil; and low elevation, semi-arid, with ...

Report 05. Guide to the literature and organizations involved in agribusiness research and agribusiness development in Haiti 

Bélizaire, Henry Jude; Lea, John Dale (Zach) (2019-09-04)
This report should serve as an initial source of information for persons interested in agribusiness research or agribusiness development activities in Haiti. - It serves as a guide to the literature and the organizations ...

Report 03. Monitoring and evaluation system for PLUS 

Pagoulatos, Angelos (2019-09-03)
A Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) System for PLUS was set up during a consultancy to Haiti between January 8 and February 26, 1993. The system was designed in collaboration with USAID, CARE and PADF, with the assistance ...

Report 02. A review of PDAI and ADS II project technologies 

Villaneuva, Marianito R. (2019-09-03)
A task was undertaken on behalf of the Productive Land Use System (PLUS) project to review technologies tested or developed in two earlier USAID-funded projects in Haiti with potential application to the PLUS project. The ...

Report 01. Status of seed orchards and tree improvement trials in Haiti and plan of activities 1993-1994 

Timyan, Joël (2019-09-03)
1. The status of tree improvement activities developed during the AOP and AFII projects is reviewed and specific recommendations are made for the utilization of improved sources during the PLUS project. Information is ...

Report, Final. Technical assistance to the PLUS project: Final report of the South-East Consortium for International Development (SECID) and Auburn University 

Shannon, Dennis A.; Lea, John Dale (Zach); Isaac, Lionel; Belfort, Sarah (2019-06-25)
SECID provided technical assistance to the Productive Land Use Project (PLUS) by various means, including a tree Germplasm Improvement Program, an Agroforestry Research Program, an On-farm Agronomic Research Program, an ...

Report 50. Training manual for improving cocoa production in Haiti 

Stevenson, Christopher (2019-06-25)
In early 1999, cacao specialist B. K. Matlick visited Haiti and suggested that farmers could be educated in simple cultural practices that would increase the yield of their trees by 20-30%. At the request of USAID, SECID ...

Report 49. Haiti small-scale coffee producers production, processing, quality control and marketing 

Amayo, Gilberto; Mencia, Victor E.; Gautier, Patrice; Gemeil, José (2019-06-25)
Coffee is one of the principal agricultural products in international trade volume and value. Haiti and several other producing countries depend to varying degrees on coffee exports. Coffee production is also a major source ...

Report 48. Technical support to Haitian cacao 

Matlick, B. K.; Purdy, L. H.; Stevenson, Christopher (2019-06-25)
This report is a compilation of four reports by cacao specialists, employed to make recommendations on improving production and quality of the cacao produced by farmers working with the Productive Land Use Systems (PLUS) ...

Report 47. Technical assessment of the irrigation systems of Marigot and Jacmel and preliminary observations on the Marigot Watershed 

Yoo, Kyung H.; Shannon, Dennis A. (2019-06-25)
An irrigation system located near Marigot was damaged by flooding from Hurricane Georges. A water engineer and an agronomist were asked to determine what was needed to rehabilitate the system and to protect the system from ...

Report 46. Recherche de variétés d'arachide (Arachis hypogea) adaptées aux conditions de culture du Nord-Ouest et de la Grande-Anse de Haïti 

Jean, Yves; Shannon, Dennis A.; Brockman, Frank E.; Moïse, Julène (2019-06-25)
Dans les aires d'intervention de CARE/PLUS, dans la presqu'île du Nord-Ouest d'Haïti, les agriculteurs sont à la recherche de cultivars précoces et plus productifs que les variétés traditionnelles leur permettant de réaliser ...

Report 28. Increasing the marketability of manioc and breadfruit products by improving processing techniques 

Lu, John Y.; Lea, John Dale (Zach); Chery, Louis R.; Shannon, Dennis A. (2019-06-04)
The perishability of fresh manioc roots and breadfruit places constraints on the marketing of these products. This study was made to investigate processing techniques to reduce these constraints. MANIOC: The primary ...

Report 30. The effects of alley cropping and other soil conservation practices on maize (Zea mays) yields over two years of cropping 

Isaac, Lionel; Shannon, Dennis A.; Brockman, Frank E.; Bernard, Carine R. (2019-06-04)
The effects of different soil conservation practices on crop and hedgerow biomass yields were assessed under lowland conditions in Haiti over a period of two years. The trial was conducted at Pernier (1300 mm annual rainfall) ...

Report 38. Evaluation de provenances de Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Walp. en Haïti 

Timyan, Joël; Verret, Louis; Béliard, Carmel André; Elie, Yvon (2019-06-03)
Le Gliricidia sepium est une espèce économiquement importante dans les pays de l'Amérique Centrale dont elle est originaire. C'est l'un des arbres fixateurs d'azote de l'air les plus faciles à établir par boutures de tiges, ...

Report 32. Résultats de deux années de suivi etudes de cas "Baraj Ravinn" 

Pierre, Frisner; Lea, John Dale (Zach) (2019-06-03)
Ce rapport sur les "Baraj Ravinn" porte sur des seuils de protection établis dans des ravines de 12 exploitations agricoles dont 7 se trouvent dans la région I de CARE (Passe Catabois) et 5 dans la région III de PADF ...